NYC Push Complex Challenge

NYC appleI recently was on a trip with my daughter to NYC. We had good times exploring the fabulous city while starting our day with a short intense workout. This one is a push DB complex we did in the hotel gym.

You can do it with a timer or you can count reps. I did four rounds, but you can do 3-5 rounds depending on your fitness level and time available.


Here are the exercises:

burpees (12 reps)
DB alternate push press/wide press (12 reps)
DB single arm thruster (6 per arm)
DB lateral raise (12 reps)
DB over head tri extension (12 reps)
Rest 30 seconds

OR do 45 seconds of work with a 15 second rest/transition (take no rest between sets)

This was a fantastic metabolism boosting, fat burning and muscle building workout done in less than 20 minutes.

Be sure to STAY OFF the treadmill.

You can find a MORE Challenge Complexes HERE.

My Top 5 Habits That Will Change Your Life

My Top 5 Habits That Will Change Your Life

By Tyler Bramlett Author Of The 27 Body Transformation Habits YOU Can’t Ignore

Have you ever found yourself doing something you know is bad?

You might reach for a dessert when it’s clearly not your cheat day, or perhaps you decide that the couch looks way more comfortable then the gym so you sit at home instead. This happens to the best of us, right? But why?

The real reason you do these BAD things knowing that they will prevent you from reaching your goals is because of your habits.

I’m not just talking about the things you do consciously, I’m talking about the things you do subconsciously. I’m sure you’ll agree that the habits that you’ve engrained into your subconscious mind are the reason you are who you are today, right?

But what most people don’t realize is that these very habits are what will make you into the person you will become in the days, weeks, months and years from now.

If you know deep down inside that you still have some bad habits that are preventing you from looking, feeling and performing your best then make sure you read this whole article to the very end.

In it, I’m gonna show you just a few of the most critical habits you should change and a simple and effective way to eliminate BAD habits and change them into GOOD ones!

You see, most people who don’t have the body of their dreams, or who aren’t living the life they always wanted simply have a set of bad habits. The trick is, if you change those habits, you can permanently change your life.

And I’m not talking about making HUGE habit changes either. You don’t have to completely change your diet or start working out for hours a day. In fact sometimes subtle changes will help you get further then HUGE changes.

The problem is that most people have no idea where to even start and they end up making no changes at all. Or… Even worse… They aren’t even ware of the bad habits they currently have.

Here’s my top 5 MOST POWERFUL habits you can focus on forming that will have the greatest impact on transforming your body and your life:

HABIT #1 – Get A Good Night’s Sleep Sleeping Girl

Most people underestimate the impact a god night’s sleep can have on their mood, energy, recovery from workouts and ultimately the way their body looks.

You will probably agree that having good hormones is key if you want to look great and feel great, right?

The fact is that during deep sleep, your hormones go through a resetting process that eliminates the negative hormonal impact you put on your body from the days and weeks before. But… If you never get a good nights sleep, this never happens.

Fix this by making a habit of aiming for 7.5 hours of quality sleep so your body can optimize it’s hormones and you can look, feel and perform your best!

HABIT #2 – Drink More Water

One of the easiest ways to stall your progress is to become dehydrated. In fact, even a 2% drop in your hydration can effect your mood, energy, recovery, brain function and performance during your workouts. drink water

To fix this is easy… Make a habit out of drinking a minimum of 0.5oz per lb (1oz per kg) of water every single day. This usually means 64oz to 128oz per day (2-3.75l).

HABIT #3 – Eat Your Veggies

We all know that we have to eat our veggies, right? But do you really consume the recommended 10+ servings daily?

Without changing anything else in your diet, if all you do is add in more veggies you will feel better, look better and be a much healthier version of you. What’s the best way to add veggies into your diet?

Simple… Follow these 2 tips:
– Make a habit our of eating a salad every day for lunch or dinner
– Make a habit out of eating a pile of cooked or steamed veggies with your dinner

HABIT #4 – Walk Every Day

Walking GirlMost people don’t know that walking is perhaps the greatest exercise EVER! Here’s just a few of the many benefits walking has on your body:
– Walking put’s you in the PERFECT fat burning ZONE
– Walking improves you mood
– Walking increases lymphatic flow throughout your body which makes you heal faster and boosts your immune system
– And soooo much more!

If you want to be the healthiest, happiest and best looking version of you, then make a habit out of walking for 20 minutes every day.

HABIT #5 – Make Sure You Laugh Today

Did you know that laughter is really the best medicine? Just google laughter and cancer and you will see numerous articles about people who’s cancer went into remission when they applied more laughter to their lives.

As it turns out, laughter has an extremely positive impact on your immune system, energy levels and mood! To love a better life, make the habit out of laughing every single day!

These 5 habits can have a powerful impact on the way you look, feel and perform!

=========== GOOD ARTICLE, RIGHT? ===========

So… What’s the best way to make sure you are consistently working on developing good habits?

At the link below, Tyler has some good information for you about habits and how to permanently change them. PLUS, he’s giving Challenge Workout Blog readers a great discount on his NEW book, just check out the link and your coupon will automatically apply…

=> Find Out How To Turn Your BAD Habits Into GOOD Habits HERE + Get A HUGE Discount On His New Book

On this page, Tyler will share with you a revelation he had after a client of his made a diet mistake even though she knew better. He also goes in depth as to how you develop bad habits and how to change them.

Plus, he shared with you just 5 habits that can change your life. Tyler identifies the 27 MOST CRITICAL habits you can develop if you want to permanently transform your body and life. You really should check this out:

=> Learn The 27 Essential Body Transformation Habits HERE + Get A HUGE Discount On His New Book

27 Habits Book

Workout Length, Healthy Habits, Hotel Workout…

challenge workoutsQuestion: How do I fit your Challenge Burpee and Challenge Jump Rope workouts in with my own workouts? My workouts are already 60+ min.   Mike

Answer: First of all, I think your workouts are a little long to add more. Doing 60+ min is too long to add a burpee or jump rope workout on the end so don’t add a burpee or jump rope workout to what you’re already doing for an hour. My suggestion is to do a burpee or jump rope workout once or twice a week on their own. Include a warm up and cool down and it should round out to be about a 20 minute workout. Go with gusto!

On other days, I’m not sure how much rest you include in each of your 60+ workouts, but if you want to increase fitness drastically, you can lower rest time while trying to maintain workout density (as much work as before).

My theory is that if you’re going 110%, you can’t maintain that intensity for long. I suggest increasing intensity and cutting your workout time back. It may be a little much to ask you to go to 20-30 minute workouts at first, but maybe you could try 40 minutes with increased intensity. Hopefully once you learn how you can throttle your workouts to increase the intensity, you’ll save time and have a super quick efficient workout.


Question: I recently lost almost 30 lbs on a low carb style diet. I’m having a hard time Read the rest of this entry »

Best Spinach Salad Ever

The first thing that you’ll notice about this salad is that it tastes amazing. It also doesn’t hurt that spinach is an extremely nutrient-dense food. The recipe calls for raspberry vinegar, which is a flavorful and refreshing alternative to traditional, oily dressing. The fruit and nuts add flavor, fiber and healthy fat.

Servings: 8

Best Spinach Salad Ever

Here’s what you need:

  • 8 cups cleaned spinach leaves
  • 3 oranges, peeled, sliced and quartered
  • 2 cucumbers, peeled sliced and quartered
  • 1/8 cup macadamia nuts, coarsely chopped
  • 1/8 cup sunflower seeds
  • 2 Tablespoons poppy seeds
  • 1 cup strawberries, sliced or whole raspberries
  • 1/2 cup white balsamic raspberry blush vinegar
  1. Combined the spinach, oranges, cucumbers, macadamia nuts, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds and strawberries in a bowl.
  2. Add the vinegar and toss well.

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 99 calories, 3g fat, 14g carbohydrate, 2.6g fiber, and 3.5g protein.

NYC Hotel Room Workout


It all seemed like a good idea from the comfort and quiet of my home office with Sev at my feet. I thought I would feel more adventurous in real life. Turns out I feel like a fish out of water.

I live in a city of a million, but NYC is on another level entirely.

Hannah and I planned on taking the train to Long Island to visit friends. The time change of two hours had us behind from the start. I whipped over to Starbucks and brought back coffee and opted for a hotel room workout while Hannah got showered up. (I woke up early to work on my laptop. I have anxiety if I can’t get in a couple hours of work and would prefer to forego sleep to stay on top of things.)

Hannah had a bit of a surprise when she looked out of the shower to see me hanging from the door jam. The shower condensation didn’t help my tenuous grip, but I found I could brace my feet on the sides of the frame a little for a little support.

She told me that she ‘didn’t read the fine print‘ when it came to traveling with me.

I always have my jump rope with me and our room had a huge high ceiling so I was in luck there. I pretty much hit legs, core and upper body push/pull muscles with this one.

I wanted to make sure we had a full day of adventure so this 15 minute workout in the room was just enough for the day:

Set your timer for 45/10

  • Jump rope
  • Prisoner 1 1/2 squats
  • Spiderman push ups
  • Door jam pull ups (or wall sit stick ups if this isn’t an option)

3-5 rounds (depending on how anxious your traveling companion is to get out exploring)
A little sweat, a shower and we were off.

NYC door jam pull up 2

NYC door jam pull up

NYC jump rope


I know you probably think I’m a little crazy (heck, my own daughter rolls her eyes at me), but the fact is, I spent 15 minutes moving and then I could enjoy the day. There’s ALWAYS a way to fit in something.

If you need a plan, Challenge Jump Rope is a really great one to use when traveling. All you need is your jump rope for most of the workouts, they’re simple (to follow) and under 20 minutes.




I also wanted to mention that I’ve just reviewed my friend, Nate’s plan called ‘Feast Your Fat Away’

You’ll NEVER go to bed hungry…

You’ll NEVER lack energy, suffer from “brain fog”, or feel old before your time…and

You’ll NEVER be stuck eating your special “diet meal” while everyone else around you is feasting on delicious, satisfying food—because you’ll be able to join them.

Best of all, you can eat this way and lose up 10 to 15 pounds in just the first two weeks, for real. Listen, there are many ways to modify eating, you need to find the one that works for you best. Nate has practical advice and a sensible way to modify eating, especially with the holidays coming up so that you can enjoy yourself and still stick to your goals.

When you grab this program today, you’ll get this bonus:

Check out Feast Your Fat Away’ to see if it’s right for you.