NEVER Use These Ab Training Approaches

 A waste of time…that’s what many ab training approaches are.

Sadly, there’s an area that I walk by when I get into the gym and I see the same people there day in and day out hammering away at their abs. And they always look the same. Have you seen this?

It bugs me when well-meaning and motivated people are misled with their training. They do crunches and all manner of twisting and bending in an effort to reveal their abs when they tend to often do more hard than good. They put in a ton of effort and get little or nothing in return.  No wonder people get discouraged.

As far as ab training goes, the core is the “foundation” of other lifts, in fact, it doesn’t take much to stimulate your abs. The thing is… most people go about their ab training wrong and end up with sore backs and worse…

they literally can FORCE their stomachs to stick out further!

You can fix this problem right here:

=> New research on ab training

Here are 3 ab training approaches to AVOID… Read the rest of this entry »

Ruffled Feathers and More

Challenge workouts

It appears that I’ve ruffled some feathers….

That’s fine, I just want to clarify a few things. Below you’ll find more controversy regarding a nasty email series I received, how to protect shoulders when using the KB, , my stand on NOT eating breakfast and a great example of someone living life right…

Here you go:



I recently had a disheartening email and asked you for your opinion about it here.

I was overwhelmed with your support and positive feedback. I understand that the person that made the comment was likely having a bad day and lashed out at me. Thank you again for your feedback. My goal is really to motivate, educate and generally help others become more active and healthy.

My team was equally upset with that email and created this picture that’s been floating around. Again, I’ve personally received a great deal of both positive and negative feedback.

If you feel that there are ‘NO EXCUSES’ for not taking care of YOUR health, feel free to post, share or otherwise use social media to motivate others to get moving. If you’re on Facebook, you’ll find it all over. You’ll find it on my personal page and fan page here.

I understand that this picture may offend some, YOU know my intentions.  I’ll take the flack if some get upset because for the one person that makes a stink, there may be one person that actually makes a positive change in their life. That’s worth it. My back is pretty strong and skin is getting thicker.


Question: I’ve been doing a lot of upper body work and my shoulders are feeling really sore. I’m not sure I can handle any of the KB work you’ve been talking about lately. Any suggestions?

Answer: If your shoulders are super sore, you need to check your form on your KB movements. I defer to my KB expert and friend, Chris Lopez. He’s helped me tremendously with the KB work that I’ve done. He’s got a new program out that I really love.  KB Finishers are great for everyone, but especially for beginning KB lovers. If you’re not a full on KB nut (like him), you can introduce KB moves into your workout in short bursts. Check out a few of his instructional videos. SO helpful!

To summarize what Chris says: Hard style swings use more of the hips, the swing is NOT a squat exercise, rather it’s really just a hip hinge. The goal is to get the back parallel to the ground. Focus on ensuring that you brace the core to maintain an arch in the back, never hunch forward or ‘lose the shoulders’. Pack the shoulders or keep them down and back throughout the movement. Tighten the glutes or drive the butt back as you swing, think about punching a hole in the wall as you push the butt backwards and squeeze the glutes at the top of the movement. The KB needs to be a projection of the arms so that the bottom of the bell is facing forwards.

Chris shows you how to properly set up for the snatch and how to protect your shoulder while doing so. Chris also says that the important thing for shoulder health is to actively bring the kettlebell down instead of letting it fall so that you’re firing your lat from the get-go.

To learn more about Kettlebell Finishers, check out this link. You’ll see a great sale on until Friday, Nov 29, 2013.


Question:  Hi Shawna, I am a bit miffed by one of the nutrition rules you recently sent out. This article is actually stating that it is better not to eat breakfast ? It actually states that breakfast shuts down your fat burning metabolism and that it is better to skip it. What are your thoughts on this article ? It’s under the 5 simple steps to end restaurant and fast food storage. Thanks

Answer: This article supports IF (intermittent fasting) which works for some people. I prefer to eat breakfast myself. I liked the other 4 tips in the article and there’s a lot of research supporting IF. I feel there are many ways to meet fat loss goals, it’s not a one sized fits all. My friend Mike Whitfield has lost 105 lbs and kept it off and one of his strategies was IF. Not meant to offend or misinform, this is still research based. (Read the article here)


This week I received this email from a loyal reader ‘Rick’. I really appreciate his humor and support. Kudos to him for maintaining his health by keeping his priorities in check. He actively resistance trains and obviously maintains a healthy diet (with the exception of his Thanksgiving dinner as you’ll see…)

A big THANK YOU to Rick for allowing me to share his story on the blog:

Just happened upon your recent post (8 Tips from NYC)  which included nice reflections on the wonderful (and the occasional-mildly-bizarre) events of a NYC trip with a delightful daughter. “New York, New York a city so nice they had to name it twice”. At times it is so nice.

Last week a young 8 year old drum student I teach, appalled when finding out from his Mom I was 65, voiced his concern (to this man obviously from the Jurassic age) by sort of yelping, “But Mr. Rick, how do you feel?!”  I replied ” Just GREAT! After all, it’s different now then it was for my parents generation, now days 65 is the new 63!” This didn’t mean anything to him, but his Mom, surreptitiously listening to us, was laughing and coughing up a storm in the kitchen.

Given that someone is fortunate enough to have a working, healthy body free of major issues, the concerns about ‘staying in shape’ and how to go about exercising shift a little. It does seem to be that, the two most important concerns to my physical being at 65 are: Range of motion, range of motion, range of motion and lung capacity/breath support stamina. Looking good (and enjoying looking) are still much appreciated. Resistance training, weight lifting still very important in this realm, but now the emphasis is on overall health and vitality.

And all of this is addressed by what you demonstrate and teach.

Hooray by Jove! And many thank you’s.

Time and the passage of it seems to be a topic my peer group finds more intriguing each year. So, in that vein:

Just received this photo attached to an email. It was taken during a performance of the US Navy Show Band somewhere in Peru, Nov. 1970. The skinny drummer is me.


This recent shot is of the same guy, cleaning an ear of corn. Taken in Gainesville, FL Nov. 2013.

Evidently I sent you a pic last year. I must like imposing upon you. {Not at all Rick!}

The Thanksgiving Holiday is heading into view for us down here. And I do like turkey. And stuffing. With gravy. Yes, indeed. Not to mention the butter drenched biscuits and rolls and lord a new bean casserole some remaining Aunt so and so cooked up and look thesweetpotatoesandcranberrysauceandyesapecanpieandwhatthehellisthatLARGE APPLE PIE WITH Vanilla Ice Cream DOING ON THE TABLE?…HELP!


Fire-Roasted Chile Omelet

Here’s a recipe to spice up your breakfast. Egg whites, fire-roasted green Chile and diced tomatoes create a tasty omelet that is bursting with flavor and packed with protein. Serve with a side of salsa and sliced avocado.

Servings: 2

Fire-Roasted Chile Omelet

Here’s what you need…

  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 3 small tomatoes, finely chopped
  • 2 (4oz) cans of fire-roasted, diced green chiles
  • 12 egg whites
  • 2 Tablespoons water
  • Non-stick cooking spray
  1. In a skillet, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the tomatoes and chiles and cook until soft, about 3 minutes. Season with pepper and salt and set aside.
  2. In a medium bowl whisk the egg whites and water. Lightly coat a medium non-stick skillet with non-stick cooking spray and place over medium heat. Add ¼ of the eggs and swirl to evenly coat the bottom of that pan. Cook until the eggs have set, about 2 minutes.
  3. Use a rubber scraper to lift the eggs up and let the runny uncooked egg flow underneath. Spoon 1/4 of the Chile mixture onto half of the omelet, fold over, and slide onto a serving plate. Repeat with remaining egg whites and Chile mixture.

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 163 calories, 5g fat, 6g carbohydrate, 2g fiber, and 26g protein.

Best Exercise? Try This

This finisher has the best KB exercise of all time… the KB Swing.

You’ll see all kinds of great KB and bodyweight finishers here.

Now most people get the KB Swing all wrong and you might be, too. You don’t do a squat followed by a front raise (that’s what most people do). The trick is to really “fire” from the hips and glutes and your arms are just along for the ride.

When you do KB Swings correctly, you’ll get your core stronger but the bonus is that you’ll hit your bum and hamstrings too.

Who doesn’t want a nice bum? (Along with improving your conditioning and hitting tons of other muscles.)

That’s why it’s a staple in this finisher from Chris Lopez, CTT…

Duration: 10 minutes or less
Equipment: One single kettlebell – snatch size or less

  • Snatch Left x 5
  • Snatch Right x 5
  • Clean Left x 10
  • Clean Right x 10
  • Swing Left x 10
  • Swing Right x 10

You can get great instruction and dozens more KB Finishers from Chris Lopez here PLUS some fat-burning bodyweight workouts from Mike Whitfield:

NEW KB Finishers and Advanced Bodyweight Workouts <== Sale

Plus, get this – a study published by ACE proved that you burn up to 20.2 calories per minute using a kettlebell.

How many calories per minute do you burn walking on a treadmill? … on average… 5  🙁

Let’s do the math and see what’s more effective:

Above finisher:
8 minutes X 20 cals = 240 calories in 8 minutes

On a treadmill:
30 minutes X 5 cals = 150 calories in 30 minutes

Boom. You’ve got a 8-minute solution to your ineffective cardio. (What will you do with the extra 22 minutes?)

As part of these NEW 31 KB Finishers, Chris Lopez PROVES you can get better results in less time with the right programming and just a single kettlebell.

Combine that with Mike’s Bodyweight workouts and finishers, and you’ll eliminate all excuses. After all, Chris is married with FIVE kids. And Mike? … he’s been able to lose AND KEEP OFF 105 pounds of fat, even being married with 2 kids himself.

It’s no surprise they have helped thousands of people all over the world with their high-energy and addictive workouts and finishers.

Discover the HIGH-energy workouts and finishers here.

Cure your boring workouts => High-Energy KB and BW Workouts + Finishers

Get ripped burning 20 calories a minute,

I Need Your Opinion


I was a little disheartened by an email I got from an ‘ex’.

I say ‘ex’ because she’s now an ‘ex-reader’.  She probably has some of her own issues unrelated to me, but it still tends to hurt my feelings when I get this sort of thing.

hate mail

*Read from the bottom up on the string of emails


I think it’s a little cowardly to sit behind a keyboard and spew this sort of venom, but that’s just me. I’d appreciate any thoughts you have on the subject. My purpose is to provide helpful tips and advice. My assumption is that’s why you’re here. Any advice you can offer me to support YOU further is much appreciated.

I’ll go ahead and post the tips that I sent in that email despite the fact that I offended that person. In fact, I was flattered that a different reader asked me to post these tips on my Facebook page and on my blog too.  Sometimes I wonder if the info I share is a little TMI, but if anyone can benefit from even one tip, then I’m happy.

Here was the email that I sent out:

I returned from a week in NYC with my almost 20-year-old daughter Hannah. This was a trip that mother’s dream of having with their girl. Further to this, I was happy that Hannah asked me how I manage to stay lean and fit while traveling. I do a lot of it and she realized while traveling with me that it’s not always easy.

Here are a few things off the top of my head that we discussed:
A workout – A short 20 min bodyweight hotel workout is fine in a pinch. Getting a workout done in the NYC Lion Kingmorning is best so that the day doesn’t get away and excuses don’t pop up. It takes NO time at all and keeps the metabolism revved up.

Drink up – Water that is. For me it’s the cure for headaches and dehydration. Although difficult at times I have no liquid calories pretty much EVER (except the odd glass of Malbec).

No bread – This isn’t due to gluten intolerance, it’s just an intolerance to a ‘muffin top’ 😉 This really works as hard as it is to do at some places especially, but passing on bread saves massive amounts of calories.

Cut out evening starchy carbs – Keep it to protein and veggies at dinner 99% of the time. Of course being in NYC, my ONE time break in this rule was a treat of cheesecake after the Lion King performance on Thursday. This leads to the next big idea…

Plan a cheat meal – It’s easy to pass on tempting foods when I know I can have them (eventually), Nothing is on the never never list. Here’s how I planned my NYC cheat: we didn’t have dessert all week, we had sushi with no rice and sashimi for dinner (low carb) and I did a metabolic workout with Kate Vidulich mid afternoon (filming for videos). Simple things to set up the perfect storm for a big treat. Oh, and I fasted until after my workout the next morning.
Regular sleep – Going to bed and waking at a similar time daily is key for me. We pretty much stayed on schedule with our own time zone (not always possible I know).

Step out of the comfort zone – Every day was an adventure. Did we know where we were going and what to expect? Not always. We didn’t risk life and limb, but we were definitely out of our element in the big city. Doing something scary makes you feel alive.

NYC times sq H and me

Do a good deed – I found a wallet and could only imagine the panic I’d feel had it been me that lost mine. I turned it into the doorman and was thrilled that I made some strangers day who came back for it 5 minutes later. I never found out who it was but, man, it felt good to know some one had a good day because of that small gesture.

These are only a few things off the top of my head: small things that over time add up to better health.


Make sure to let me know how you feel about the comments from ‘Barb’. And like my Facebook page here too.