99 Burpee Take Away Challenge

math funnyBefore I get to the workout for today, I need to clear something up. I’m an expert in burpees and pull ups and the like, I never claimed to be a mathematician 😉  It seems that in this next workout, even COUNTING was too complicated for me.


I set the workout up on my whiteboard in my gym. Now, to be fair, this wasn’t just ‘regular’ counting, this was counting backwards (far more complicated right?). I decided to count from 15-5 (that seemed like 10 sets to me). Then when I put the numbers on the board to fill in the various burpees that I’d be doing, I somehow forgot to add #11 😉

No, I don’t have anything against #11.

I’m clearly a moron. But you’re gonna love this workout just the same and it all adds up to 99 burpees, which is a cool number of burpees right? I mean, who wants to do 110 burpees anyways? (That’s clearly excessive ;))

Here’s a full body kick a$$ workout…

This is a ‘RIST’ style workout, that means ‘reps in specific time’. The goal is to get 15 reps the first set and count down every set after. Each set is one minute long.

Of course the workout contains everyone’s favourite exercise: the BURPEE!

Now you can follow along with me or you can do this on your own.

To spice things up, I’ve added a different burpee variation for each of the 10 sets. You can do my variation, do your own or just do regular burpees. For this workout, I did NOT do the push up except for one set.

Here are the variations I did for each set:99 burpee take away
15. regular burpee
14. rev lunge burpee
13. burpee with push up
12. double jump burpee
11. mountain climber burpee (Duh! I forgot to do #11 in the video)
10. get up burpee
9. plank jack burpee
8. lateral lunge burpee
7. tuck jump burpee
6. RDL burpee
5. sit out burpee

Do it!

Let me know how you do with this one. (There’s a comment section, use it :))

Oh, and grab Challenge Burpee for more cool burpee workouts. You’ll get video coaching videos, optional follow along workouts and the ‘Big Book of Beautiful Burpees’.

burpee prod grp

big book of beautiful burpee graphic

Recipes to Help You Give Up Bread

My new toy is a lotta fun…rings arrived on my doorstep randomly last week (not sure who’s trying to win my heart, but rings were a good start ;))



I’ll come up with some fun stuff on these things to share with you soon. In the mean time, I’ll take the razzing from the kids. They tease me that I’m working on my circus act and will be the oldest performer when I take off to join.

Sev seems to enjoy them too, although I don’t think he’s helping my circus act much.


I followed this up with this…

  • 4 oz. Chopped Chicken Breast (use left overs or you can buy precooked, just be sure it’s all natural)
  • 1⁄4 cup Celery, Chopped
  • 1⁄4 cup Walnuts, Crushed
  • 1⁄2 cup Red Grapes, Sliced
  • 1⁄4 cup Green Onions, Chopped
  • 1/3 cup Broccoli Slaw
  • 1⁄2 Bell Peppers, Sliced (green, orange or red)
  • 1⁄2 cup Nonfat Greek Yogurt
  • Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Add a scoop over a bed of spinach, serve as a side, or enjoy all by itself.

This was simple and yummy. Who’d a thunk how versatile Greek yogurt is? I used it in my chicken salad and then made dessert with it:

dani fro yo

Now you know that I’m a bit of a kitchen clutz, emphasis on the word ‘bit’. I’m not a terrific cook (to say the least) and one of the reasons is that I always try to make recipes as healthy as possible. In an effort to do this, I may find a recipe that I end up taking stuff out and substituting stuff in (which never seems to work because I don’t know how to replace an ingredient).

Simple is good as far as recipes go.

If you want more easy to follow, easy to eat recipes, check out my pal, Dani Woodrum’s Home Cooking for Fat Loss recipes.

I may not have mentioned that in the past year I’ve given up one food almost entirely. It’s really helped me maintain my weight.

While most women my age are struggling, I don’t seem to have any trouble with a ‘muffin top’.

Honestly, I’m not trying to brag or rub anything in.  My fitness boot camp is filled with 40+ ladies gluten free is the new blackasking my secrets, my email blows up from readers asking the same.  I’m constantly preaching the same sermon: solid nutrition along with hard training.

Keep it simple.

Here’s a big tip that’s helped me….pass on the bread basket. You just don’t need bread. Slowly replace it with other, more nutritionally dense choices.

Now I tend to think that ‘gluten free’ is the ‘new black’ when it comes to the dieting world. There’s no need for EVERYONE to go gluten free. There are those that gluten truly is a serious health issue, and then there are those that could just benefit from eating less calories from gluten products, like bread.

Whether you need to eliminate all gluten from your diet or whether you feel you could just benefit from eating less gluten, having some tasty recipes to help is a great option.

My pal Dani has 120 recipes for you here.

Like I said, I’m no whiz in the kitchen, but his recipes have helped me create some pretty tasty eats. I don’t even miss eating bread when I eat tasty food. Take a look at Dani’s Home Cooking for Fat Loss and consider replacing bread in your diet. You’ll have less belly fat for it.



Heart Rate Monitor? Tight Hips? Nicest Bum?

Challenge workoutsQuestion: I bought your burpee and jump rope programs and after sitting on my ass for a while have finally made the decision to execute!
I also have all the finisher programs from Mike Whitfield.
If buying programs got you in shape I would be a superstar, but we both know that is not the case! My question is in starting back do you recommend wearing a heart monitor (I am heart healthy) and staying in target training zones or do you just work to pace and how you feel in the moment! I would think to get the HITT benefit you can’t worry with target training zones. Marty

Answer: Marty, Good for you for executing! You’re right, getting programs is easy, it’s the application that’s tough but you’ve made the first step.

As for the heart rate monitor, I sometimes train with one out of curiosity. I like to check out my heart rate, what my body can tolerate, my progress, etc. I’m sort of strange like this. I write everything down and sort of make a science of it. If you’re like this, a heart rate monitor can be really helpful to monitor your progress. It only measures ONE aspect of fitness though, so it’s not really THAT necessary for the average heart healthy person. Perceived exertion is typically good enough for the majority. I like to keep it simple for clients and say NO, a heart rate monitor is NOT necessary since it would give another reason not to workout.


Question: I’ve been using your workouts for a while now. I notice that you go very deep when you squat and I can’t get anywhere near even parallel. It’s like I just don’t bend. What can I do? Read the rest of this entry »

White Bean Hummus

Use this white bean hummus instead of creamy dressings or cheese in your sandwich. The hummus is filled with protein and fiber – both important for building your best booty.

Servings: 8

White Bean Hummus

Here’s what you need:

  • 2 cans white beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 cup whole wheat bread crumbs
  • 1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
  • dash of salt
  1. Throw everything into the food processor and blend until smooth and creamy.
  2. Spread onto bread or use as a dip for cut veggies.

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 124 calories, 1.6g fat, 20g carbohydrate, 5.5g fiber, and 7g protein.

How Do I Get Great Legs??

challenge workoutsQuestion: Hi Shawna, I have a concern that i just can’t find any satisfaction from. My legs. I have knee and other joint problems but still manage to perform lots of leg exercises. I work out at home and have some free weights, as well as a bowflex. My legs show no sign of definition whatsoever, and my hamstrings and glutes seem to be falling.. literally. I know age will play a factor (i’m 38) but i noticed this started to happen a long time ago. I try hard to keep a balance in my workouts (to NOT do my legs too much) but I still find that i have had ZERO results when it comes to my legs. My arms and abs are somewhat defined but I’m devastated for my legs. Can you suggest anything? Thank you in advance! Jennifer

Answer: Jennifer, Legs are an issue with women more than men, and your particular genetics play into it. Some women carry more fat on their chest and have thinner legs, some carry belly fat, etc. You seem to carry in the lower body.

So, nutrition is VERY important. Diet is the key to getting results once you dial in your training. Training must be intense and short (30 min or less). Don’t fall into the trap of ‘cardio’, do Challenge Fat Loss style quick and nasty workouts.

Don’t let age be an excuse either. You will still see results if you’re persistent.

Remember that you CAN NOT spot reduce. Sadly, fat will come off where your body wants it to first. For you that may be upper body/abs, then the legs. It is what it is, accept it and don’t get discouraged.

Having said this, you can really bash your legs and unless you’re feeling knee pain, you’re fine, don’t worry about ‘over training’ when you’re doing short and intense workouts like Challenge Fat Loss. you can also increase load on the legs, for any loaded movements, increase your DB or intensity on the TRX etc. Work the eccentric portion of the movements to increase strength/muscle development. Increased muscle means increased metabolism. you should NOT be ‘bulking’ in the legs, if you are, this is due to diet.

One more thing, you need to really CONCENTRATE on using the muscles in your legs. I know that sounds obvious. One way to do this is to actually train using a mirror. It helps you to see what you’re doing and focus. It’s helped many of my clients target the muscles they should be using. Try not to be distracted by other things going on, music, other people etc. You need to develop a mind/muscle connection (not to sound woo-woo or anything). It takes practice. Hang in there and keep at it.

I hope this helps. Thanks for the question and sorry for the delay. Keep me posted ok?

PS I really love a program called ‘How Do I Get Great Legs?’ You can read about it here and here.

how do I get great leg product grp


How DO you get great legs anyways?

This is my friend Niall. We hung out recently in Vegas and did what everyone does in Vegas…well, talk fitness of course 😉

(When his super cool wife, Sarah,  saw this picture, she forbid him from wearing this t-shirt ever again. Apparently the fashion police are alive and well.) Niall is all about the legs. He has a great workout for us in the follow along video below.

me and niall Here’s the workout:

Do each exercise is a slow methodical manner concentrating on perfect form. Remember practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. Form will dictate how good your results are from the work you put into it so make it count.

For Kickbacks, Planks with Leg Raises, and Superman’s, hold the flexed position for a good second before lowering down to start another repetition.



Do two Rounds of:

Split Squats x 8 (both sides)
Kick Backs x 8 (both sides)
Squats x 8
Planks with Leg Raises x 5 (both sides)
Hapkido Circles x 8 (both sides)
Butt Kicks x 8 (both sides)
Superman’s x 8

His program, ‘How Do I Get Great Legs?’ is well done and well worth investigating. It discusses the 4 factors that contribute to cellulite and how to solve it:

  1. Genetics – Can make cellulite worse but isn’t the root cause.
  2. Hormones – When your hormone levels are out of balance, your body turns into a cellulite-producing machine.
  3. Lifestyle – The only true way to get your hormone levels back in balance is to exercise in a very specific way.
  4. Nutrition – You need to avoid the foods that can contribute to hormone imbalance and avoid the phony health foods that actually make you store fat.


I thought I’d throw in a few more videos that I did with Niall. Of course there are other ways to get great legs and burpees and jumping rope are a few of them….

The beauty of the burpee is that you can burn up a ton of calories in a short time while working over 13 muscles at once. You can do burpees anywhere, it’s a fast and effective fat burning exercise that’s fun.

Here’s a great hamstring focused burpee routine:

Do AMRAP style (as many rounds as possible):
5 one legged burpees (or two legged if you need)
5 one leg RDL to reverse lunge
5 squat jumps
Don’t forget the other leg!

This is a FAST, fat burning workout that will boost your metabolism for hours after you’re done, unlike low intensity cardio (like jogging) where your calorie burning ends with the workout.

Check out Challenge Burpee workouts for more fun workouts just like this.

Want great legs?

Don’t go for a run, plan to do a marathon or take up jogging.

Jumping rope is FAR more effective, more fun and is easier on your body. Surprisingly your knees will love jumping rope more than running too. Especially when you do a double jump (or jump on two feet) because there’s less impact.

You can do quick effective fat burning workouts with a jump rope and you’ll find you get the body of your dreams much faster than if you take to a running trail.

Challenge Jump Rope workouts help tighten and tone your legs, period.