Challenge Complexes Are Here!

I’m SO excited to share this with you…

Challenge Complexes are here!

Replace cardio and even HIIT with Challenge Complexes.

Burn fat!
Boost metabolism!
Build muscle!

Increase your training variety with super fun and challenging complex workouts. Because you’re a reader on my blog, you get priority access!

BE THE FIRST to check out Challenge Complexes


With the holidays around the corner, maybe you need some direction with your nutrition?

Here’s a ‘one day’ diet plan that will help you cope with the day diet

 Just follow the simple ONE Day Diet meal plan that my great friend and top nutritionist Josh Bezoni is GIVING AWAY at the below link:

The ONE Day Diet (exactly what to eat)

At this link, Josh lays out the entire diet for you, showing you EXACTLY what to eat, meal-by-meal…no guesswork.

Just follow this DROP DEAD simple meal plan, and
it will help you navigate the holiday season with all the social eating without gaining an ounce.

The ONE Day Diet<——- 100% F.REE, no strings


sev sweaterSev isn’t very thrilled about his new Christmas sweater…in fact, he found it and chewed a hole in the arm. Now as a consequence he has to wear a holy sweater. What will the other dogs think? When ever he gets the sweater on, he stops all his shenanigans and goes to his bed to pout.

Oh dear….time for me to get a life 😉

Mean & Clean Burrito

Here’s a healthy burrito recipe to sink your teeth into. Whole grains, lean protein and crunchy veggies make this a recipe that you’ll come back to time and again. Serve with a side of your favorite salsa.

Servings: 1

Mean & Clean Burrito

Here’s what you need…

  • 1 sprouted grain, flourless tortilla
  • 1 Tablespoon hummus
  • 1/3 cup cooked brown rice
  • 1/4 cup cooked black beans
  • 1/2 cup cooked chicken, chopped (or baked tofu)
  • 2 Tablespoons fresh corn kernels
  • 2 Tablespoons chopped cucumber
  • 1/4 cup shredded arugula
  • 3 cherry tomatoes, chopped
  1. Warm the tortilla in a dry skillet. Spread the hummus evenly over the tortilla.
  2. Top the tortilla with rice, beans, chicken and veggies.
  3. Fold the two sides of the tortilla in over the filling, then flip up the bottom edge and roll tightly.

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 380 calories, 7.8g fat, 45g carbohydrate, 7g fiber, and 31g protein.

Bodyweight + Burpee Workout – Cuz I Can

blizzard warning

It’s a blizzard here in Calgary today (again). Sigh…Here was the weather report from last night.


I feel like wrapping up in a blanket and NOT leaving the house (ever!). Ever feel like this? Sev does, he refuses to wear his Christmas sweater even though it’d really help on a cold day like this (stay tuned I’ll get a picture on the blog soon).

Well, if you ever feel like this, before you snuggle up in your blanket, do this bodyweight and burpee workout first. You’ll feel much better about getting a workout in at home.

Then, after my workout, I’m going to do something surprising (but perfect for a cold day). Read on.


This is a great full body workout. It’s a countdown set, start with 10 reps of each exercise, then 8, 6, 4, 2 and then count back up the ladder: 4, 6, 8, 10 (or you could do 10, 9, 8….3, 2, 1)

It includes everyone’s favourite exercise: the BURPEE!

Here are the exercises:
prisoner squats
wall sit stick ups
cross body mountain climbers

Rest as little as possible between sets.

For more cool workout ideas, and more than 50 burpee variations, head here.

Happy training! (That will definitely warm you up!)

Now I’m gonna go do some baking…

Yes, you read correctly. I’m experimenting for Christmas and figure that I’d best do a trial run. I’m going to try to make the recipe below.

My daughter, Hannah is quite the cupcake baker so I want to surprise her with some ‘healthy’ cupcakes.belinda cupcakec1

My good friend Belinda Benn created “Sinfully Healthy”, a set of cookbooks which include 24 healthy (and unique) cupcake recipes like:

  • Metabolism-Boosting Cupcakes
  • Pure-Cleansing Cupcakes
  • Energy Boosting Cupcakes
  • Gourmet-Indulgence Cupcakes
  • Protein-Power Cupcakes
  • Libido-Enhancing Cupcakes

Each cupcake is delicious and actually good you because they’re power packed with super food ingredients, such as quinoa, maca powder and goji berries and use alternative sweeteners like Stevia. This means you get the same rich taste without all the sugar, fat and calories.

Take a look at the pics here and see if your mouth doesn’t water too.

I also like that Belinda  includes instructions for making ingredient substitutions on your favorite recipes to make them healthier.  So Hannah can swap out the ingredients in HER recipes to make them healthier. Thankfully she’s at an age where she’s willing to do this, the whole ‘I won’t eat it cuz it’s healthy’ stage is long past.

If you’re interested in the Sinfully Healthy cookbook package, it includes:

  • Sinfully Healthy Gourmet Cookbook – over 100 super-tasty and healthy recipes for any occasion the whole family will enjoy!
  • Sinfully Healthy Cupcakes Cookbook – 24 delicious super food cupcakes to help you burn the fat, boost your energy, improve your libido, increase your metabolism and much more!
  • Christmas Super Food Snacks & Treats – stop guilty snacking by eating these delicious snacks which are actually good for you!
  • 21-Day Fat Burning Accelerator Program – a unique and never before released rapid fat loss nutrition program which is designed to kick start your fat-burning efforts and see serious results in only 21 days!
  • The Optimizer High Intensity Workout – designed to be used with the 21 day fat burning accelerator, this workout burns the maximum number of calories possible to really ignite your fat burning potential
  • Torch The Fat Recipes – this added extra bonus which is ONLY available until midnight (insert date) will give you mouth-watering recipes to help burn unwanted fat

I can never have enough HEALTHY recipes to help my horrid cooking, but my cooking is actually improving 😉

Check out Belinda’s recipes here.




Two Workouts: One Result

Last post Ifat loss_crossfit_typical_vomit_workout_tshirt-p235659283555951821z8nfc_152 was having a debate with Fat Loss Accelerator author, Kate Vidulich over the best way to lose fat. You’ll have to read the post, but you’ll find that there’s room for more than one ‘best’ way to lose fat.

I’ve got two workouts for you here today, one from Kate and one from my Challenge Complexes too.

First, give this workout from Kate a try: Read the rest of this entry »

Best Rep Tempo for Fat Loss?

It’s a war.

At present, my pal Kate Vidulich and I are having a fight

No, it’s not over the typical things that women argue about…We’re arguing about rep tempo and the most effective fat burning protocol.

This is what we can agree on: Read the rest of this entry »