DB Challenge Complex

Muscle imbalances are a fact of life. No matter how much you work to overcome them, your body will be somewhat asymmetrical. The good news is that you can reduce the gap between the weak and dumb side to the strong and smart side of your body.

Now one way that I like to deal with my muscle imbalances, and those of my clients, is to do a dumbbell workout and more specifically do single arm dumbbell Work.

This not only reveals where muscle imbalances are but it helps you address them.

As I said, you’ll always have a difference between your weak and strong sides but you can lessen the gap. Dumb bell work helps.  Always train your weak side first when you are strong and fresh, then follow with the strong side.

Here’s a fun workout:

OK to Be Single (Reps and rounds) Read the rest of this entry »

Perfect Packed Lunch

Here’s an example of a healthy and balanced packed lunch. Try this one out, and then use it as a springboard for your own creative lunch ideas. Don’t fall into the trap of eating the same thing day after day. Remember to use the 7 steps above to create your perfect packed lunch.

Servings: 1

Perfect Packed Lunch

Here’s what you need…

For the wrap:

  • 1 green tortilla
  • 1 chicken breast (or your choice of protein: veggie patty, lean turkey, hardboiled egg, smoked salmon, grilled white fish, or baked tofu)
  • Sliced tomato
  • Romaine lettuce
  • 1 Tablespoon hummus

For the veggies:

  • 1/2 cup cut veggies (try broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and bell peppers)
  • 1/4 cup hummus

For the yogurt:

    • 1/2 cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt
    • Handful of berries (strawberries and blueberries)

For the trail mix:

  • 1oz raw mixed nuts
  • 5 golden raisins
  1. Spread the tortilla with hummus, line with lettuce, tomato slices and chicken breast. Wrap and slice in half.
  2. Wash and pack the cut veggies in plastic container. Pack the hummus in a small container.
  3. Pack the yogurt in a small container and top with the berries.
  4. Mix the raw nuts with the raisins and pack in a small container or bag.
  5. Don’t forget to pack a container of water and a napkin!

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 547 calories, 19g fat, 39g carbohydrate, 12g fiber, and 55g protein.

Challenge Complex Q n A


challenge workouts

Question: I am really interested in your new Challenge Complexes but I have a question first.  All I have is an EZ Bar that I bought three or four years ago.  Can I use the EZ Bar in place of a barbell?  I can’t really afford to go out and buy a bar – especially at Christmas time. I hope you’re staying warm.  And I loved your photo of Sev in his sweater.  But I have to say, I don’t like winter, I hate the cold!  Anyway, stay warm.  Thank you for all you do for us! Rebekah

Answer: Yes, you could easily use an EZ bar with Challenge Complexes and you prob already have a set of DB’s. There are also 8 KB complexes if you have a KB.

PS. I’m sick of winter already and it’s only the start. It’s been about -20C to -40C for a week, today it’s a bit warmer but snowing and blowing. Wow, you’d think I’d get used to this. Sev isn’t impressed, but Hannah and I keep reminding him that it’s much better here than in the ditch he was in last year. He agrees 😉


Question: I think your Total Body Barbell Challenge Complexes are awesome. I was showing the video to my wife this morning. She would like to know how much weight you were lifting in the video? I couldn’t answer that. I told my wife she should go through the routine using a broomstick or steel pipe. Start light, you don’t want to get hurt. (She is 58) Mitch

Answer: Thanks for your question, I don’t want to intimidate anyone. A broomstick or steel pipe is a great start for beginners. Since I did several videos on filming days (15+) I needed to keep the weight light, that bar is only 35lbs. I love the rubber bumper plates because they don’t damage the floor. All the best to you and your wife with Challenge Complexes.


Question: I want to use your Challenge Complexes. I have the DB, no problem, and I can purchase a kettleball – but what weight would be good to start?  12-15?

And then onto the Barbell, I do not have one and I am assuming if I get a barbell, I will also need weights. I have a limited space at home and so many DB that I don’t really want to purchase a bar and all the weights. So, do I need the barbell and weights, just a barbell or can I do the exercises by subbing DB when it calls for barbell???  Thanks.

Answer: The weight you should use for your dumb bells should be what you can lift overhead for 10 reps (10th rep can be a challenge). I’d probaby get a 15-20 lb kb to start (for a woman), 25-30 lb (for a man).

I checked the BB complexes and you can use DB’s for everything except the following and you will make these substitutions:

  • ab roll out – stability ball roll out or plank reach
  • inverted row – bent over row
  • Back squat – do a goblet squat
  • prone windshield wiper – hanging windshield wiper or spider crawl


Question: I’ve just bought Challenge Complexes, which I want to put to good use.  I only have the opportunity to do workouts Monday to Friday, due to having a 3 year old who hangs off me all the time, so weekends are out.

Could I use a dumb bell for the kettle bell challengers and I don’t have kettle bells? I don’t own a barbell, so can only do the dumb bell challengers and the anti-aging workouts.  Can I put these two workout together and do them for 5 days in a row? If so, how should I go about it eg what order? Tracy

Answer: I wouldn’t suggest that you use a DB with the KB workouts, you have 27 complexes to use your DB’s with. I’ve assessed the BB complexes and noticed that you can swap out all the BB exercises with DB ones (see above answer). When you get a KB you’ll have some cool workouts to do and Chris provides excellent instruction to beginners too.

I would do one of the workouts daily, keep your workouts to 30 min or less. If you want to combine a complex and an anti aging workout, you can, but I’d suggest going harder at one or the other, increase the sets or rounds to make a 30 min workout (if you’re set on a longer workout since most are <20 min).

Taking the weekends off is totally fine, especially since you won’t be lounging around with a 3 year old to chase.


Question: I would love to try your barbell, kettlebell and dumbbell workouts because I have a genetic disorder that keeps me skinny fat so bodyweight exercises don’t work all that well.  However I have bad knees (not an injury just weak supporting muscles), will it be safe for me to exercise with those weights? Janine

Answer: Janine, Challenge Complexes will be ideal for you. The good thing about complexes are that they are low-impact and that will help your knees. The key is to use appropriate loads. You obviously aren’t going to start with a ton of weight, choose a weight that you can do for 8-10 reps on the weakest link in the complex. So, for example, if your weakest move is a shoulder press, choose a weight that you can do on that move for 8-10 reps. This will be a little light for other moves in the complex, but that’s okay. Due to the nature of the complex, with moves flowing from one to the next, that weight will appear heavier than it really is.

Another thing to be aware of is your squat form. Whether you’re doing a bodyweight squat, prisoner squat, goblet squat, back squat, front squat or over head squat, your form needs to be spot on. The cues for all are the same, take the example for the front squat:

front squat a b

Front squat

  • Stand with legs hip width apart
  • Bar needs to be held high on the chest, weight is NOT held with the hands
  • Elbows held are up high
  • Sit butt down as if sitting in a chair
  • Keep abs tight and eyes up
  • Push off heels to return to standing position

Always load on top of the hips in a squat. Bend at the hip first, then the knee. Don’t let the knees drift over the toes and always try to be able to wiggle the toes to ensure the weight is on the heels.

Modify depth, especially at first. Work within a pain free area and gradually increase depth. It’s safe to go ‘ass to grass’ as many say, but only once you’ve worked into that deep range of motion.

Get a sample workout and free report to learn more about Challenge Complexes here.

You can grab Challenge Complexes here. If you find they aren’t working for you, the best thing is that you have a 60 day money back guarantee.


Question: I just bought Challenge Complexes.  I thought it would be all follow along, telling me exactly what work out to do each day for at least a month. I thought it would have a video showing each exercise. I am in excellent shape but have no time to figure out my program. I want it laid out for me and then I will do it. I don’t have a motivation problem. Can you please help me?

Answer: Have you read the beginning of the program? It lays out how to use the program and it gives you a few options depending on your fitness level, goals and time. If you watch the short coaching video it will show you how to do each exercise and how each workout is laid out. There are a few decisions that you need to make regarding the program, but once you read the intro to the manual it’s quite simple. My goal with my programming is educate and I like my clients to understand what you’re doing and the basic reasons why. As much as I’d like you to be my customer forever, my goal is to give you wings so that you can make some intelligent decisions as to what’s right for you. I hope this helps. The nature of online programs is that you’ll have to read the program and make a few decisions.

Question: I am now getting 4 copies of the e-mails you send… Is there a way to correct that so I only get one? Thanks, Barbara

Answer: Barb, My apologies if this past week you’re getting duplicate emails. If you’ve purchased more than one program from me you’re on more than one registration list. This is helpful when I update specific programs.

Generally when I email you about a blog post or something, my broadcast program will see an email and mail only once to it (even if you’re on more than one list).

Please bear with me this week as I’m doing some testing with emails and subject lines. I’m mailing to individual lists (and you’re probably on more than one). I apologize that you may be getting duplicates because of this. I don’t do this often. You can always unsubscribe from any of the lists by scrolling to the bottom of the email and clicking the unsubscribe link. As long as you stay on one list you’ll get most of my emails.

Thanks for your understanding here, you can always delete the extra’s as long as you read it once as I try to have relevant things in my emails for you.


Challenge Complexes can be done with a variety of equipment including a barbell, DB’s, KB’s or even with suspension straps. Here’s a fun workout to do with a suspension trainer:

Get in the Flow (Ladder set)

Body weight warm up 2 min

Start on the weak side, so the squat jumps, rows and chest presses then do the reps on the strong side. Do 10 reps of each:trx row a b

  • One legged RDL to reverse lunge (use TRX handles for balance)
  • Squat jumps
  • Low Row
  • Chest press
  • One legged RDL to reverse lunge (other side)
  • Squat jumps
  • Low Row
  • Chest press

Do 10 reps, then 8 reps, then 6, then 4, then 2. (Optional: work back up the ladder.)


challenge complex graphic

You’ll want to grab these for only $19 before Friday, December 13th at midnight. At less than 70 cents a workout, you can’t go wrong.

Your Challenge Complex Report

There’s been a lot of buzch complex OH squatz about Challenge Complexes this week and I’m pretty excited to share them with you. If you’ve been on my blog much lately, you may have noticed that I’ve posted about our frigid winter weather. I have to say that working on Challenge Complexes has saved my sanity. I’ve been glued to either my lap top or I’ve been in my studio creating and doing complexes or filming videos.



While I’ve managed to avoid cabin fever since I’ve been pretty focused, I can’t say the same for Sev. I give him tasks, like to go make me lunch (I sometimes forget to eat if I get too wrapped up) but he looks at me like I’m crazy…which of course I worry that I am. I mean, who makes their dog wear a sweater for a Christmas photo? I actually blame Hannah for Sev’s sweater….

sev family xmas

In any case, it’s been a cold start to our winter here and I’ve been happy to work hard to bring you some fun workouts. I’ve returned to my regular gym to find acquaintances asking if I’d fallen off the planet. I haven’t been there in about 6 weeks with all this Challenge Complexes stuff going on. You can be assured that I didn’t miss a workout, but I did miss some human contact. I don’t know what’s worse: a crazy lady with a dog in clothes or a crazy cat lady.

So…onto what this post is really about:

Would you like some more information about Challenge Complexes?

You’ll see a workout below with the description and LOTS more in this report I put together for you: ChallengeComplexReport

Sev was a little put out that he didn’t make the video cut for this workout below. (He had to settle for being the camera-dog….OMGosh, I think I’ve totally lost my marbles.)

These are the exercise that you’ll do:

  • Romanian deadlift
  • High pull
  • Front squat push press (goblet squat press with KB)
  • Bent over row (do single arm row with KB if you only have one KB)
  • Weighted burpee with push up (burpee on the floor when using KB)

Add a TON of variety by trying these methods with the above workout:

  •  30/05 6 rounds
  • 10 reps of each exercise for 3 rounds
  • Do three rounds, alternate BB, DB, KB for each round
  • Do the following rep scheme for each exercise with either BB, DB, KB: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 reps
  • Do the same workout, but start with the burpee and work backwards
  • Ensure that you end with a full body cool down for a minimum of 5 minutes after your complex workout.

Have fun with this workout and I hope you enjoy the ChallengeComplexReport.

As for me, now I’m going to pray to the weather Gods to give us a break from this cold snap so we can go get our sillies out in the dog park.

Oh, and if you want to check out the Challenge Complex program click HERE.



Why Challenge Complexes?

I’ve been training for about 40 years. Yep, you read that correctly.40 years

Now I’m not THAT old, only 50 years young, so I should clarify that I’ve been ‘in training’ in some capacity for 40 years.

When I was a kid, I was a high level competitive swimmer so I was in the pool about 2-3 hours a day by the age of 10 and on top of that, we did dry land training that included resistance training of some sort.

So, I’m no stranger to a variety of training methods. On top of my personal experience, I have a kinesiology degree as well. I continue to be a geek and read a ton of studies to keep up to date. I guess you could say that I’ve lived and breathed training from a young age and continue to do so.

I know what works and what doesn’t work.

I know that it’s necessary to shake up your training frequently to be able to keep getting results. And, I know that avoiding injury is paramount in any training plan.

As many of you know from previous blog posts and Facebook updates, I’ve incorporated complexes into my own training and I got a ton of requests to create something for YOU.

So that’s what I’ve done. I made a plan from my own workout experience with complexes. These are short and intense workouts that use a barbell or one set of dumb bells. I got my pal, Chris Lopez to provide some kettle bell complexes too.

Now when you see the workouts, don’t be fooled into thinking ‘there’s nothing special here’.  The actual beauty of complexes is in the simplicity of them. There are a few basic guidelines to creating complexes to make them safe and effective. You can be sure that remaining injury free and not stressing one body part is tops on my list. I’ve seen many complexes that tax the shoulders WAY too much, this is a recipe for disaster. Who wants to be sidelined with injury?

While other trainers encourage ‘more is better, go faster!’ I emphasize proper training technique and mindful training. This keeps you in the game, injury free and getting results.

Take a look at this Challenge Complex and give it a go.

Here’s what’s in the workout:

Six by Six (Reps and rounds)
Choose a weight that you can use for ALL exercises. Try not to put the bar down throughout the set. Rest up to one minute between sets.

6 reps of each:

  • Bent over row
  • RDL
  • High pull
  • Front squat
  • Push press
  • Burpee with push up

Rest 30 sec to 1 minute

4 to 6 rounds

If you like this workout and want to find more like this then because you’re MY reader, you get priority access to Challenge Complexes even BEFORE it’s launched to the general public.

Here’s what you’ll get:

challenge complex graphic

17 Barbell complexes

-use a single barbell to Boost Metabolism, Build Muscle and Burn Fat

-learn the most effective lifts to safely get an intense workout in 20 min or less

-use BASIC and simple barbell moves to achieve your strength and fat loss goals

-replace HIIT with amazing strength building workouts

-perfect lifting technique while burning fat

-avoid getting ‘skinny fat’ by maintaining and adding sexy, lean muscle tone

-maintain and improve your strength by incorporating challenge complexes

-use as a stand alone workout or incorporate into your program as ‘cardio’ or on your day off

10 Dumbbell complexes

-add even MORE variety by using a single set of dumb bells to boost your metabolism, build muscle and burn away fat

-avoid useless and boring gym machines by using only ONE set of dumb bells and a small space

-train ANYWHERE for 20 minutes or less and achieve your fitness goals

Bonus: 8 KB complexes from Chris Lopez

-use simple and basic kettle bell moves in easy to follow complexes from a KB master

-perfect your KB moves while replacing boring cardio

All these come with coaching videos so you’ll know just what to do.

Shake up YOUR training, stay safe, build muscle, boost metabolism and burn fat all in less than 20 minutes.

Check out Challenge Complexes here 

PS. I get a lot of questions as to how to use Challenge Complexes, here you go:

How Do I Implement Challenge Complexes?

I am always asked how to implement challenge workouts into a fitness plan.

The great thing about these challenge complex workouts is that they can be used as a stand-alone program or they can supplement a plan that you’re already using. (Actually this is the case for ALL challenge workouts.)

First, let’s look at how Challenge Complex would look if it’s a stand alone plan, that is, if you’re ONLY using the Challenge Complex program.

Typically, complexes are full body workouts. Due to their nature, you can’t go terrifically heavy since they are created to use one barbell or one set of dumb bells. Your load should be the maximum amount of weight that you can do on your weakest move within the complex. For example, if you can only do a 45 lb barbell for push press with good form, even if you can deadlift a lot more, you will choose the 45 lb barbell.

Complexes are designed for you to use a lighter weight and concentrate on perfecting form. Remember though, that to intensify your complex, speed should stay the same, and you should increase load.

Having said this, you can do a complex workout daily.

My suggestion is to do the workouts in progression, train 4-5 days a week, taking a day of active rest off when necessary.

If you’ve chosen to get the Challenge Complexes Ab Edition or Challenge Complexes Olympic Edition, you can swap in any of those workouts as well. This way you’ll have endless variety between barbell, dumb bell, kettlebell, ab and Olympic lift workouts.

If you’re using Challenge Complexes as a supplementary program, especially if you’re using it in conjunction with a resistance-training program, then you’ll use the complexes program a bit differently.

Challenge complexes are typically full body with more of an emphasis on lower body exercises. They are great in a split like this:

  • Day 1 – push
  • Day 2 – legs
  • Day 3 – pull
  • Day 4 – off
  • Day 5 – Challenge Complex workout

Repeat cycle


  • Day 1 – upper body
  • Day 2 – legs
  • Day 3 – off
  • Day 4 – Challenge Complex workout

Repeat cycle


You can add a short complex in as a ‘finisher’ to ANY workout. Your load will be less, but this will torch fat like no cardio can ever do.