Gym Rescue – Behind the Scenes


You’ll want to make sure you have images enabled for this email 😉

There’s been a lot of talk about the latest episode ‘Gym Rescue’ where I got to be the ‘fitness expert’ that helped a failing ‘sorority’ gym turn itself around and become a viable business.


gym rescue pic 2

Many have asked if this reality show is actual ‘reality’.

Strange as it may sound (especially if you saw the episode), the scenes weren’t staged, there was no script, the things in the show really happened as they unfolded on the show.

gym rescue pic 3Watching the show, lots of the action was new and exciting to me because I may have been off the set doing an ‘on the fly’ interview or hanging out in the production area.

A reality show set is an interesting place to be. I have to hand it to anyone that works in the industry. They work LONG hours and there’s lots of ‘hurry up and wait’ times.

Randy Couture is an absolute soft spoken gentleman. Honestly it’s hard to believe that he’s an MMA champion because it would seem he couldn’t hurt a fly. He’d come into the production area every day, greet me by name and ask me how I was. He’s really a sweetheart.


Frank Shamrock, on the other hand, is full of energy and is definitely the life of the party. He’s a real character with personality plus.

Frank shamrock

randy couture

As for the actual gym owners, well they had personality plus too 😉

The owner, Toni, was a firecracker, the manager, Erinn did her best to be the voice of reason, Delisa was a great trainer who just wanted to train and Nikki, the receptionist was a sweet girl that was totally untrained for any of her tasks (like being thrown on the floor to train clients) but she did her best. Then there was ‘Pin Girl’ Marsha who’s job was to ‘pull the pin’ on machines for clients in this antiquated circuit and you’ll meet Kit who just walked out and quit on the spot (I never even met her).

There were A LOT of tears. At one point I had to just tell the women to stop crying so we could help them. Randy and Frank were really frustrated since they were really prepared for all the tears.

To begin, the gym was really an eyesore. We joked that it looked like Barney just barfed up all those pinks and purples. In the end, the place looked SPECTACULAR!

mats 2



mats 1

The out dated ‘circuit training’ system that was being used (with the use of a pre-recorded voice to tell members when to stop and go) was replaced with a full on boot camp style workout system.

And it wasn’t just any boot camp. The gym was given all the systems of Fit Body Boot Camp (of course I’m a huge fan since I run my own FBBC).

In the end, after Coach Bedros Keuilian helped with marketing, I helped with training and Frank and Randy did their thing, the tears dried up, the smiles grew a mile wide and there were hugs all around – oops, did I spoil it for you?

Trust me, if you haven’t tuned in, it’s more than worth it to learn about Toni’s signature move called ‘I dunno’ and to see the tempers flair, the yelling, the crying and the drama.

It was a fun week that I got to spend on the set. I’d love the opportunity to do it all over,
even though I wouldn’t enjoy the TV celebrity lifestyle long term.

As a way to celebrate my TV debut, I thought I’d do a BIG sale for you, my loyal readers.
After all, it’s YOU that allows me to live my passion every day.

I LOVE to help people get fit, whether it’s in their living room at home, in a gym, or in my
beloved Fit Body Boot Camp. I consider myself blessed to be able to do what I do.
I want to share my love of fitness and healthy living with you.

Grab any or ALL my programs HERE.
Let me help you rescue your body and save a little cash too 😉


Gym Rescue Workout “Revealed”

I needed a kick butt workout…

gym rescue 3

The stage was set (quite literally) and the failing sorority gym staff had to prove that they had what it takes to be a future success.

Trainer Delissa needed to learn how to train a large group of clients in a small space and short amount of time. I had the afternoon to teach her how to do it. And then she’d be on national TV delivering the workout that evening.

No pressure 😉

Actually, the training style I taught her was a no brainer, although too few know the secrets and magic behind this results-getting style.

It’s what all my Challenge Workouts are about.

No boring cardio.

No machines.

The workout was a magical concoction of a lot of sweat, full body exercises and incomplete recovery.

Here’s a workout that’s similar to the we did on the big reveal for the episode ‘Battle of the Sexes’ on Gym Rescue, Spike TV. I say that it’s ‘similar’ because filming was over a year ago and I can only remember the basics, a few exercises may have been slightly different, but it’s the same general style. You can easily do this in your living room since I’ve offered equipment alternatives:

Set your timer for 40 seconds of work with 10 seconds rest for 8 sets. Do each pair of exercises in each set for 4 rounds then go directly to the next round.

Set #1

glider hamstring curls (or glute bridge)  gym rescue promo 9

Set #2

reverse lunge bicep curl (or prisoner position arms)
squat jump

Set #3

suspension row (DB row, wall sit stick up)
skater lunge

Set #4

glider atomic push up (regular push up)
short shuttle run (stationary sprint)

Finish with a tabata-like finisher (20 seconds work/10 seconds rest) for 3 rounds:

  • burpee
    wall sit
    double jump burpee

This will give you around 30 minutes of heart pounding, muscle toning sweaty work.

Your welcome….Time to recover…

This was NOT covered in the Gym Rescue episode, but it’s a really important element of your training regime. It’s must follow your workout with healthy food to promote recovery.

But nowadays, even the word ‘healthy’ is confusing.

You’d be surprised at what manufacturers label ‘healthy’ in an effort to sell you their products.

Are you a label reader?

Even if you are, do you know what the labels mean? How ingredient lists are made, what ingredients are good and what ones are better and what foods you should totally avoid?

If you’re a little confused, don’t let all your hard sweaty workouts be wasted with poor nutrition. Go to this article and learn the 4 step label decoder solution and more…

 Facts found on this page, when applied consistently could mean the difference between getting the body of your dreams and your physique staying the same.

Take a few minutes to read and learn here, it could save your health.

Stay tuned for the third episode of Gym Rescue next Sunday on Spike TV. I don’t know the experts on the show this episode, but I get a kick out of how Randy Couture and Frank Shamrock deal with the fireworks and tears.

Reality Check (Thank You Sev)

gym-rescue-promo-4Thanks again for all the messages, texts and kind words regarding the whole ‘Gym Rescue’ episode that I was on this past Sunday.

I think Sev sensed that my head was getting too big with all the ‘kudos’, so instead of gushing over me and my new found celebrity status, on our morning off leash walk, he chose to reward me by rolling in sh*t.

Yes. That’s right.

Our walk turned into a spa day with the hose for him.

Thank you Sev for ‘keeping it real’. No worry that my head is gonna get too big with him around.

TV appearance or not, I’m a geek and not afraid to admit it.

My geekiness seems to have helped lots of people though, so I’m pretty cool with that. (I can help you here.)

Truth is, if I do the heavy lifting where fitness science is concerned, you can rely on me to provide you with the facts.

For example…

Researchers found that just 16.1% of older adults met strength training guidelines during tests. Of the 9 tests, 27.8% struggled with 5-9 of the tests, while 38.5% struggled with at least 1-4 test. This shows that a significant number of older adults need strength training to help improve overall health.

(Reference: Kraschnewski, et al. Is exercise used as medicine? Association of meeting strength training guidelines and functional limitations among older US adults. Prev Med. 2014 May 27;66C 1-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ymped.2014.05.012.)

There you have it. It’s not just kooky me telling you to resistance train as you age to improve your over all health…


Researchers wanted to see if eating slower had any effect on food consumption and energy intake. Results showed that eating slowly helps you eat less, while eating fast means you eat more calories. The obvious lesson then, is to slow down eating to lose more weight.

(Reference: E. Robinson, et al. A systematic review and meta-analysis examining the effect of eating rate on energy intake and hunger. Am J Clin Nutr 2014;100 123-151)

Seems like common sense, but it’s great to have a study to prove it.

And one last one….

Researchers wanted to compare stationary cycling intervals with bodyweight burpees. Eleven subjects (8 men and 3 women) completed four testing sessions for each protocol (with the appropriate rest days etc between bouts of exercise).
It turned out that a low-volume, high-intensity bout of repeated whole-body calisthenic exercise (burpees) induced cardiovascular responses that were not significantly different than the stationary cycling intervals that took twice as long.

These results suggest that in addition to the benefit of reduced time commitment, a high-intensity set of burpees elicits similar physiological adaptations and performance improvements to longer workouts.


tweak i love burpeesAll I can say is ‘Yay for Burpees!’ I knew I was onto something when I created that program.

Hey, I’d be happy to provide more fun fitness facts for you, my programs are chalk full of them and all kinds of other fun things like bodyweight training, resistance training, jumping rope, burpees, pull ups, complexes, even doable nutrition tips.

And to celebrate my TV debut on Spike TV’s ‘Gym Rescue‘ this week, you can grab any of my fact filled programs at 50% off for my Body Rescue sale.

Yup. That’s right.

I’m more than just a pretty face on Spike TV 😉

It was cool to be on that reality show; I got to help that sorority gym become a viable fitness business by providing their trainers with cutting edge workouts, BUT, what I really love is just to help YOU in your own living room.

I’ve got follow along videos, coaching videos, PDF workouts, nutrition plans, and so much more when you check out all the programs I have to offer you.

And at a 50% off savings.

====>Check out my Body Rescue Sale<====

You can get more of me here, but not for long, the sale ends tonight at midnight, August 20th, 2014.

Oh ya, you can see some highlights of me in the show here:

How to Modify the Burpee

As you may (or may not) know, I’m a burpee lover. The_BIGGER_Book_of_Beautiful_Burpees_00

But, shocking as it may seem, not everyone shares my passion for the glorious burpee.

I’m SO in love with burpees, that I have have 77+ variations of burpees here.

But what if burpees are a little TOO much for you for starters?

Safety comes FIRST in every workout. And if you can’t do a specific exercise with perfect form, you need to substitute it.

In the manual, you’ll see lots of great ways to modify the burpee and work up to some of the more advanced burpee options. You can simply replace the burpee in any workout with the modified options. These are total body conditioning moves that target your abs without damaging your joints.

The first modification is the full body extension. It honestly doesn’t look like much, but when you do this powerfully and quickly, your heart could possibly explode 😉 Well, not quite, but it’s a great NON-IMPACT option for ANY burst exercise:

full body ext a b c




Another option is the inchworm walk out. These both are fantastic strengthening and conditioning exercises that will lead into a full on burpee. You’ll find more in the manual here.

push up - inchworm






Here’s a video you’ll enjoy and you’ll find a fantastic burpee workout in it:

Do 30 seconds of work with a 5 to 10 second rest in between each exercise. Do this entire set 3 to 5 times:

  • frogger burpee
  • prisoner reverse lunge
  • inchworm push up
  • double jump burpee
  • plank with alternate leg lift

Feel free use the modifications I described and also to take a 30 second break in between sets if necessary. Remember that maintaining great form for each exercise is your number one priority.

Challenge Burpee is full of the ‘tried and true’ burpees in combination with body weight exercises to blast fat and up YOUR fitness game.

You’ll also get the ALL NEW Bodyweight Burpee Challenge bodyweightburpee

  • Enjoy 10 MORE bodyweight burpee workouts that are under 20 minutes.
  • Workouts can be done anywhere, any time with little space and with your bodyweight and the beautiful burpee.
  • Get even MORE fun and challenging workouts incorporating the burpee.

JUST ADDED: The Burpee Challenge

burpeechallengeWant 16 MORE Burpee Workouts that will push your burpee limit? Named ‘Burpee Challenge Workouts’ for a reason, you’ll love these additional challenges.

You’ll NEVER be wanting for more burpee workouts you’ll have so many burpee variations and workouts to choose from.

Get The Burpee Challenge FOR FREE When You Grab Challenge Burpees Today!

If you’re looking to get my Challenge Burpee program, make sure to use the coupon code Yayforburpees at the check out to save 33%.

Look for this box and use the code Yayforburpees to save 1/3 off the already low price and get 49 challenging burpee workouts:

coupon box

5 Things NOT to Do (Playground workout)

Sev and I needed to get the ants out of our pants.

sev playground wo 7

It’s a long weekend here in Canada and the traffic into the big box gym here in Kelowna was too much to bear, so we headed to the playground.

While playground workouts are fantastic, there are a few things you shouldn’t do:

1) Don’t go to the park at 11 am when it’s 40C (duh….)
2) Don’t do the monkey bars repeatedly at 40C (double duh…). My long standing and beloved callouses: ripped off 🙁


3) Don’t your push ups by the garbage can (How dumb am I?). It was the only shade that Sev and I found. He was laying in the bushes behind it and I was on the pavement in front. I just sort of held my breath…

4) Don’t ask a stranger to take pictures of you. A kind ‘dad’ took a picture while his 4 year old nearly fell off the monkey bars. Oops.

5) Don’t forget water. Such an elementary mistake.

playground woHere’s what I did, altho my hands fell apart around set 16 so I took Sev and my bloody hands home after that:

1 min/10 sec rest 20 sets

  • jump rope
  • pull ups/monkey bars
  • spider crawl
  • pull ups/monkey bars
  • push ups

*If you’re on your way to your first pull up, you can do hanging leg raises as a great option. Or you can go to the end of the monkey bars where you can touch something, jump up to the bar, then try to slowly lower yourself down. Another option would be to loop your (super strong) jump rope over a high bar and use it to row with (suspension trainer style 😉 ).

**Lifting gloves are recommended unless you want to make my mistake…

Jump rope workouts are doable anytime anywhere. If you want more, then head here.

Looks like I’ll be looking to do something now that doesn’t require hanging onto anything for a few days until these hands heal :/

Thankfully jumping rope is still an option 🙂
