5 Exercises to STOP Doing (#3 is controversial)

Guest Post

5 Exercises to STOP Doing (#3 is controversial)

By Kate Vidulich

Kettlebells, yoga, CrossFit, high intensity training…

Everywhere you look, people over 30 are doing new and exciting things, trying to recapture their youth.

But there’s a BIG problem.

The exercises below are actually do more harm than good.

Watch out…

#1: Good Mornings

“Really, the worst exercise ever KV?”

Listen, the risk outweighs the benefit of doing this.

Correct manual lifting technique (like when you pick up a large box or child) involves bending your knees, squatting down and keeping the weight you are lifting close to your body.

So why on earth would you want to keep your legs straight, put a barbell on your shoulders behind your neck and then bend over?

#StupidestIdeaEver (yes stupidest is word!)

Seriously, I can feel my back breaking just thinking about this. And if you don’t break your back, there’s a damn good chance of busting your neck.

You will never catch any of my clients doing this exercise – or even thinking about it! There are plenty of other movements you can incorporate into your workout routine to safely target your erector spinae, glutes and hamstrings instead of this one.

#2. Rebound Box Jumps

Don’t get me wrong… box jumps are great for developing power and explosive performance in your lower body. But you must STEP down, not jump off the box. It’s SO dangerous to jump…box jump a b

You’re asking for a serious Achilles tendon injury.

And I hate to break it to you, but we’re not training for the Olympics.

So here’s how to do it without killing yourself:

  1. Use your arms to jump up
  2. Land with soft feet on top of the box (you want to land like a ninja)
  3. Step off
  4. Repeat

Now that wasn’t so crazy, right?

#3. Kipping Pull Ups

This one may not win me some friends…. But that’s OK.

While I’m sure there’s a whole technique to it, a kipping pull up is a glorified way to “cheat” on a standard pull up so you get more reps.pull up controversy

Why do people want to cheat? Beats me. I guess it’s same reason why kids cheat on school tests… to get a higher score!

But looking at the amount of “action” that takes place during a kipping pull up (repetitive lower back hyperextension, as well as the joint distraction forces), it’s just not something worth the risk or effort in my opinion.

For most cool cats, they’re just not ready to do such an advanced movement without hurting themselves.

So would I ever program them for you?

Um, no.

*Side note: Shawna advocates a ‘controlled cheat’ in her Challenge Pull Up program. This is NOT a kipping pull up.

Click HERE to read the ‘Pull Up Controversy

#4. The 45-degree Leg Press Machine

The common argument for using machines at the gym is because it is safer. Are you kidding me? What is so safe about moving in a fixed range of motion?

Research conducted by McGill suggests the 45-degree leg press machine could seriously damage your lower back. Perhaps not today. It’s a cumulative thing. But eventually one day, life will turn nasty when your lower back suddenly starts to give for no particular reason.

McGill explains how this machine can put your lower lumbar discs under serious stress and high risk of disc bulge. The problem is being bent at the waist, at a 45-degree angle and then adding a ton of downward force from the weight on the machine. Basically, the angle increases the opening of the vertebrae at the back, and increases the likelihood of posterior disc bulge.

Bad move. Don’t mess with your discs.

#5. Elliptical + other steady state cardio cardio fail

It’s no surprise this one makes the list.

But in case you didn’t know, it has been discovered that common gym machines OVERESTIMATE the number of calories you burn. That’s right. They LIE to you.

A recent study named the elliptical as the least accurate when it comes to calorie counting, and most machines overestimate calorie burn by a whopping 42%!


The bottom line is… just stay away.

Instead, you can do high intensity interval workouts, like this one below.

This will help you get a GREAT backside, plus you can check your cardio workout off the list.

If you want safe AND effective exercises => Get Accelerator Countdown + 9 more programs

Here’s the workout:

Ladder Accelerator 5: One legged Gauntlet

Equipment: Bodyweight Only

Do the following circuit resting only when needed. If you’re form breaks down, please take a break. Do as many rounds as possible for 6-10 minutes, depending on your fitness level.

Choose Your Level:

Beginner = 6 minutes as many rounds as possible (AMRAP), sub seal jacks for step jacks.

Intermediate = 8 minutes AMRAP

Advanced = 10 minutes AMRAP

A) Single leg walkout x 5 each side, seal jacks x 30
B) Single leg walkout x 4 each side, seal jacks x 25
C) Single leg walkout x 3 each side, seal jacks x 20
D) Single leg walkout x 2 each side, seal jacks x 15
E) Single leg walkout x 1 each side, seal jacks x 10And if you like that workout, you can celebrate your “freedom” from the gym with over a dozen more fat blasting workouts here.

==> Get 10 of The Greatest Fat Loss Accelerator Resources 

You’ll be able to harness the power of Accelerator workouts to transform your body and your life.

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Kate Vidulich, BSc, ACSM, Master CTT Kate accelerator bundle


Basic Jump Rope Steps

Want to learn to jump rope?

You’ll get tangled up in the beginning, but if you keep at it, you’ll be a pro, impress all the 10 year olds on the block and get super fit 😉

Start with the basics. challenge jump rope

A double jump is the easiest way to start. The rope can be going slowly. Keep the arms close to your sides and use your wrists to rotate the rope over your head.

There’s no need to jump to the sky. Keep your jumps low to the ground. It’s more efficient and you’ll be pleased to know that by keeping your jumps low, it’s easier on your joints as well.

You’ll see some simple progressions in the video:

  • single bounce
  • double bounce each foot
  • side swing
  • skier
  • butt kick

The key is to just keep practicing. Everyone misses the rope, but you’ll never get better if you don’t try. I have LOTS more variations for you…

You can use any of these jump rope skills (and find more advanced ones) in my Challenge Jump Rope program.


You’ll find 63+ demos of jump rope variations AND you’ll get MORE bodyweight workouts with my NEW Combat Jump Rope workouts where you’ll learn to train like a fighter whether you ever want to get in the ring or not.

Jumping rope is the BEST alternative for fun fat loss boosting workouts.


Lose the Machines – Do This Instead

Please tell me you’re smarter than this…
Screen Shot 2014-06-28 at 10.06.28 AM====>

I’m not going to name any business specifically, but if you look closely, you may see the URL, do a Google search (or take a guess) at what a certain fitness celeb is pushing as ‘cutting edge’ workouts…(THESE are cutting edge workouts that work).
Now, I don’t mean to offend anyone, but I need to set the record straight…


curves Jillian michaels

You’ll see that the ‘cutting edge’ workouts involve lots of specialized machines that are said to be a ‘functional’ and will build and tone muscles and ‘jump start’ fat loss.


Oh by the way….you can only use these machines by buying a membership to this establishment.

Look, I’m all about free enterprise, but I’d prefer to base business around current scientific studies that show the MOST effective methods of toning muscles and losing fat…I’m not saying this type of thing won’t deliver, I’m just saying there are MORE effective methods.

Screen Shot 2014-06-28 at 10.22.16 AM
Honestly, I think a workout using seated machines like this has a place in the market place.

If someone is totally ‘exercise-adverse’, then this sort of exercise is a great start to get someone moving.

If someone is doing absolutely NOTHING in the way of exercise, then ANY kind of movement and nutritional modification will get results in the beginning. I’d hope that after a month or so, a person would move on to something more intense and more ‘functional’ to get results.

One of the issues I have with traditional ‘gyms’ and ones like these is that they do little to educate their patrons. Why would they advocate effective training modalities like bodyweight training? After all, anyone can do bodyweight training anywhere and no gym membership is required…

As a business, gyms want to lure you in with shiny machines because you don’t have them at home.

But don’t be fooled.

There’s SO much you can do with just your body weight to hit even the MOST troubling spots on your body.

Don’t go buy a ‘birthing machine’ (inner/outer thigh machine) for your home when you can do bodyweight exercises.

Here are a few awesome alternatives to the ‘specialty’ machines you’ll find in a gym.

Swap THIS => For THIS

1. Ab twisty machine (pictured above) => plank

Why? When on earth would you ever replicate this movement in real life? The grinding motion on the spine is havoc on the back and the seated position isn’t functional in the least. Your core muscles aren’t even engaged unless you have terrific kinesthetic awareness (which most beginners do not have).

The plank, on the other hand, engages the entire core, you can do it any where and beginners through advanced people can benefit.

I know the plank doesn’t seem sexy, but trust me, you’ll get sexy results from this simple staple of core training.




If you really want the nitty-gritty pointers on how to plank properly, watch this video:

2. Glute machine (also pictured above) => prisoner squats

Why? Well, everyone needs to squat several times daily (if we’re going to sit down or use the toilet). We have little need to kick someone who’s behind us – I hope! (as the movement pattern of the machine would suggest as a ‘functional movement’).prisoner squat

On top of working the glutes, you’ll hit the hamstrings, quads and core with the prisoner squat. As an added bonus, by using the prisoner position, you’ll also hit the upper back. Posterior muscles are difficult to engage with bodyweight training, but you’ll feel them with this full body functional movement.


Get some pointers here:

3. Chest press => push ups

push up 1Why? The push up is the lowly under dog of exercises that’s brilliant for working the chest, shoulders, triceps, spinal erectors, quads AND core. The chest press machine will hit the chest, front delt and triceps at most.

Do you have much use for pushing something away from your body forcefully in a seated position?

Probably not, but the muscles engaged while doing a push up prepare you for pushing a car or for any pushing movement you need to do.

Do it right here:

4. Elliptical machine => Full Body Extension

Why? For starters, studies show that the elliptical machine overestimates your caloric burn even if you’re doing (mind-numbing) intervals, not to mention the ineffectiveness of doing steady state cardio on this machine.

full body ext a b c

The full body extension works the entire body (duh, it’s in the name), you need a small amount of space, no equipment, it’s NON impact and when you do them correctly, you can’t go for hours. This means that if you throw these babies into your workout in bursts within your strength training exercises, you cut down on the dreaded cardio time many feel they need to do in order to ‘burn fat’.



Get some tips on doing it correctly here:

Shorter workouts => better results => #winning!

If you’re looking to get fit and tone up, then obviously, you don’t need a bunch of seated machines to do it.

Do you have some nagging or lagging body parts? Are you interested in toning those up so that you’ll feel more comfortable in (less) clothes, like maybe even a bathing suit?

Here’s the solution.

Now fellas, I gotta say these bodyweight exercises will work for you too. Your secret will be safe with me if you decide to do these follow along videos with me.

Even though this next page is geared for the girls, I have several men in my fitness boot camp that have lost their bellies and found their pecs doing these workouts.

And let’s be honest, who doesn’t want a better bum?

Here’s to bodyweight training with full follow along videos.

trouble spot training cover

Sorry to that gym with the purple logo and funky machines….thank you for possibly getting some folks hooked on exercise and moving to the stuff that really works…

Like this 😉

Get Outta Dodge (Quickie Workout)

Want a quickie?



<====NO! Not that kind!

A different kind of quickie entirely!

This blog is about training! What were you thinking??

Let’s talk quick workouts…

Your workout should enhance your life not BE your life. I love to workout, but I love to do other things too, that’s why this 20 min workout is perfect to do so that you can get in a great full body workout and still do the other things you love. Read the rest of this entry »

Trouble Spot? Don’t Eat This!

What are YOU covering up?

For most of us, summer is here and that means the possibility of wearing more revealing clothes like shorts or sleeveless shirts, or (GASP!) even a bathing suit.

How do you feel about that? Are you hoping for rain so that you can stay in long sleeves and pants?beach covered up in clothes

What makes you cringe when you look in the mirror?

Your tummy? 

Your thighs? 

What about your arms?


These are the big three that most women I talk to ‘complain’ about.

Well, complain NO MORE.

It’s time to DO SOMETHING

Now you may have heard that there’s no such thing as ‘trouble spot’ training and that you can’t take fat away from specific body parts. 

I beg to differ… Read the rest of this entry »