50 Burpee One Arm Pull Ups

It was ugly. In facone arm pull upt, it was even uglier than this 50 burpee pull up challenge. Seriously, I don’t know what gets into my head some days. I saw the 50 burpee pull up challenge and thought, ‘how can I make that one more fun?’

My current challenge is to do an unassisted one arm pull up. I’m a long way off. I can only do assisted with a band or by holding the other hand (pictured here).

On the day of this challenge, my plan was to train back and I needed to do some one arm pull ups anyways.  I figured I could throw in a burpee and do 25 one arm pull ups per side, why not? Sounded like a good idea at the time.


Now when you look at the video, you may think:

‘hmmm, her pull up bar isn’t very high so she doesn’t have to jump too much….’

‘hmm, she’s assisting herself with the other arm so ‘technically it’s NOT a one arm pull up….’

Both true.

I don’t care what you think.

For me, this was a challenge that got me sick to my stomach at the thought of it. It pushed me out of my comfort zone. It’s going to get me closer to my goal of an unassisted one arm pull up eventually. Anyone can sit at their computer and criticize. I’m all about getting out there and trying stuff.

My challenge to you is to do SOMETHING to challenge yourself.

Maybe it’s going to be this 50 burpee one arm challenges, maybe it’s going to be another of my challenge burpee workouts or one of Mikey’s finishers or my friend Dan Long’s crazy TRX challenges.  The point is, if you want to keep your body one arm pull up battle scarsprogressing and your training motivation up, you need to always do something cool and exciting. Something that’s a little scary, a little crazy. However, notice that I did this challenge slow and steady? I didn’t risk injury, my form, while it wasn’t perfect, didn’t open me up to getting hurt. That’s the key with challenges, being on ‘this side’ of crazy.

What are YOU going to do to challenge yourself? Leave a comment. Seriously folks. I busted my butt to video tape this for you, the least you can do is tell me what YOUR challenge will be 😉

Oh ya, don’t plan an intervention for me, I’m just fine. Just a few one arm pull up battle scars ==>

PS. Get more fun burpee ideas with my Challenge Burpee program and improve your pull ups here.



11 responses to “50 Burpee One Arm Pull Ups”

  1. Tom Collier says:

    Ok, you’re not right in the head. Just kidding, you are VERY right in the head! Anyone who sees that and finds fault with the height of the bar or the assistance of the non-lifting hand should immediately go do 30 sec sprint repeats till they puke. Then maybe they will have a better appreciation of intensity.
    You are awesome and you inspire me. I’m gonna do the 100 burpee/ 10 pullup challenge next week which should wipe me out!

  2. challeng says:

    Thanks for the support Tom, I love that you’ve got the 100 burpee/pull up challenge on your radar. Maybe we’re both a little nuts, but I like nuts 😉

  3. Angelika P says:

    Great stuff, thanks for this.

  4. Kelly says:

    NICE WORK. I’m still working on normal pull ups lol.

  5. Delany says:

    Whoa! Wow, Shawna! You are amazing! I set up my own 6-month challenge at the beginning of October — by April 1 I will be able to do 20 pushups, 10 chin-ups, 5 pull-ups, and 20 burpees (with push-up and jump). An added challenge for me is that my strength trainer says I’ll “never” be able to do pull-ups because (she says) it requires huge lats and I don’t have the genetics for huge lats. Hm. Telling me I “can’t” do something can be a powerful motivator! I’ve been working on it for a month or two, and so far I can do 1 pull-up and 2.5 chin-ups.

    p.s., my jump rope skill is a lot better these days — about once a week I do 6 minutes of jump rope intervals, 45 sec. on / 15 sec. rest. These days, I rarely step on the rope, and my double-hop is almost gone. Feels great, and it is really contributing to my fat loss. Thanks for your help and encouragement!

  6. challeng says:

    I love your challenges Delany! If you can get 1 pull-up then you can get more, just keep going. Great job on that and the jump rope improvement too.

  7. Cindy (Sydney, Australia ) says:

    Love whatever you do Shawna and challenging yourself just motivates me more.i say every time I write, you are an inspiration to me and I’m sure, all of your bloggers. I’m still working on my challenge of 10 unassisted pull ups which has not progressed much due to back problems, but I just bought Ricks ” Fix my back pain” program so hope to get up to being able to progress real soon.
    Thanks again for showing us all how to get out of our comfort zone.
    Take care and have a Great day . P.S. Hope your battle scars heal soon.

  8. kate says:

    Wow nice work Shawna! You make it look so easy! Watching you really motivates me to go do burpees now…and maybe even some assisted pull ups too. Loved how Sev was trying to check on you too. He’s a good boy.

  9. challeng says:

    Burpee and pull up inspiration! YaY! (And yes, I got moral support from Sev 😉

  10. Nigel Griffiths says:

    I too have set myself the ‘one-arm pullup’ challenge about a month ago! It’s many (many) years since I could do it.
    You have spurred me on! I have got to crack this! I will try to beat you to it girl!
    I will watch out for your emails with ‘hawkeyes’ for the next few weeks (days??)


  11. challeng says:

    I think the one arm pull up will take more than a few days, I’ll keep you posted if you keep me posted 😉 Good luck!

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