‘It All Adds Up’ Bodyweight Workout

Sometimes all you have is your bodyweight. Whether you’re traveling for business, on holidays or just stuck at home, no matter where you find yourself, a bodyweight workout will get you hot and sweaty in record time.

This workout is no exception. It’s called “It All Adds Up”. Now, you may look at it and see that there are KB swings in it so it’s not ‘truly’ bodyweight, but if you have no access to a KB, feel free to swap out squat jumps. The same with the jump rope, just do skaters instead.
Do the following:

  • 10 pull ups (inverted rows or assisted pull ups or even wall sit stick ups)
  • 20 push ups (kneeling push ups or incline push ups)
  • 30 KB swings (squat jumps if you have no KB)
  • 40 sec plank (kneeling plank)
  • 100 jump ropes (phantom skips or 50 skaters per side with no jump rope)

Go for 20 minutes – try to get 4-5 rounds

Pull Ups or Assisted Pull Ups or Inverted Row


inverted row 1.2












Push Ups or Incline Push Ups

 incline push up 12 lisa




KB Swings








workouts to get lean







Jump Rope


Don’t discount the use of bodyweight exercises to get you sweaty and the results you want! Use ONLY your bodyweight anytime, anywhere to UP your fitness game.

If you’re looking for cool bodyweight workouts AND more, then check out the 21 Day Challenge Fit Club. You’ll bust ANY workout plateau by changing up your workout routine every 21 days.

Look at the variety you’ll get:

2-Jump Rope
3-MRT (Metabolic Resistance Training)
5-Trouble Spot Training
6- Suspension Trainning
7- Kettlebell Challenge

No one has time for marathon workouts that cause increased levels of the fat storing hormone cortisol. Your workouts should be 30 minutes tops if you’re going at top intensity.

That’s why you’ll be DONE and DONE with every 21 Day Challenge Fit Club workout in 30 minutes or less.

Join the Challenge Fit Club – Challenge Your Body and Change Your Physique

ch fit club grp image

Yoga Bashing? You Decide…

I hate yoga. hate yoga

There, I said it.

If this offends you, well, I apologize but here’s the thing…

I may dislike yoga, but I realize that it has a very valuable purpose. And I’ve actually found a bit of a ‘work – around’ to get all the benefits of yoga, you’ll see it here and I’ll explain more in a bit…but first I need to vent about my yoga experiences…

For me, yoga sessions are LONG, you have to line up your mat ‘just so’, you’re expected to be QUIET for 75-90 minutes (I need to ask questions!), and quite honestly, the hot yoga sessions I’ve attended were NOT full of beautiful almost naked people.

This may really offend you, but in my mind, junior high gym shorts are NOT appropriate yoga wear – nobody wants to see those things hanging out (and I’m not even kidding).

My yoga sessions have been cut short by visions of things dangling that I never signed up to see. I find it hard to go to my happy place and feel all ‘zen’ when I’m constantly trying to avert my eyes. Maybe I just went to a few bad sessions….

So, when I found THIS, I was thrilled.

First of all it only takes 2 minutes – yes!

Secondly, it’s not really yoga – double yes!

Thirdly, it provides many of the BENEFITS of yoga – keep talking!

And lastly, studies have shown that when done after your regular workout session, it’s been PROVEN to burn 53% more calories.

Here’s proof:


– Her regular workout burned just 211 calories

– This NEW protocol helped her take that to 323 calories! Crazy, right?

She was able to see these dramatic boosts to her metabolism using the brand new ‘yoga like’ 2-minute routines I’ll show you below.



The guy who created this new protocol, went through the hassle of testing out the validity of his claims by investing $1,000’s in a study to prove 110% that these 2-minute routines do in fact increase your metabolism by up to 53% in your first session.

So… what’s so special about this protocol that makes it so effective?

I’ll just let the inventor of the new protocol tell you all about his 2-minute breakthrough routine that you can use to burn 53% more calories while increasing your core strength and boosting your flexibility by 7%, check it out…

=> How To Boost Your Metabolism By 53% In 2-Minutes

Here’s to the benefits of yoga, maybe I’m a yoga fan after all 😉

 Your thoughts?

A Change of Pace?

Do you love the treadmill? Need a change of pace?

Take a look….

For only $9 you’ll get the ONLY treadmill program that incorporates muscle-toning bodyweight exercises along with fat blasting effective treadmill intervals.

21 all new workouts that require only the treadmill, body weight and just 20 minutes Treadmill_groupks

Workouts can be geared to those who’ve never run a step in their lives OR to the experienced runner because of a little secret something called ‘RPE’. This is a secret code used to determine intensity. Since all workouts are geared around ‘RPE’, ANYONE, (from a Grandma to an Olympic athlete), can use these 21 bodyweight exercise and Treadmill Fat Loss workouts to torch fat, get fitter than ever and HAVE FUN!

Oh yes, and you’ll get those cool bonuses like the exercise library and 10 never seen before workouts in the Ab Definition 2.0 Bonus too ;)


Grab Treadmill Fat Loss here before the price goes up (That’s only 29 cents a workout….man, what am I thinking?)

Dedicated to Treadmill Lovers….

blow hornAs you may know, I’ve voiced my disdain for the treadmill long and loudly for quite some time and recently I’ve enjoyed eating a little crow 😉

It seems that the treadmill is NO different than my beloved burpee or jump rope for that matter when it’s used ‘properly’. And by ‘properly’, what I mean is, for you to do exercises OTHER than just forward running at a steady pace on the dang thing.

I decided to start to make some videos for you because I don’t think my treadmill ideas were catching on – I think I’ve conditioned you to be so ‘treadmill adverse’ that when you see the word, your mind switches off and you start doing burpees…right?

And to be completely honest, I’ll never replace my beloved burpee with the treadmill, but, believe it or not, there are SOME people that actually despise burpees (I know, crazy right?) and they LOVE the treadmill, so this is dedicated to them.

So if you secretly have a treadmill hiding in your basement, it’s time to dust it off…

Here’s a video where I explain a fun workout for the treadmill. BUT, if you don’t have a treadmill (like me), then just replace the treadmill set with jump rope or, you guessed it, a minute of burpees.

To recap, here’s the workout….

  • Do one minute of a forward run at a RPE of 7 (*RPE is your ‘rate of perceived exertion on a scale of 10)
  • Do 10 prisoner squats on the rails
  • Use the timer to time yourself doing 30 seconds of pulsing squats
  • Jump off the treadmill, do 10 decline push ups.
  • Repeat the pattern where by you’ll do the minute run, 9 prisoner squats, 30 sec pulsing squat, 9 decline push ups….all the way to 1 rep of each exercise (so the run and the pulsing squat set stays the same).

Got it?

That’s a cool one right?

If you like that one, you’ll love this ===>

Treadmill_groupksFor only $9 you’ll get the ONLY treadmill program that incorporates muscle-toning bodyweight exercises along with fat blasting effective treadmill intervals.


21 all new workouts that require only the treadmill, body weight and just 20 minutes


Workouts can be geared to those who’ve never run a step in their lives OR to the experienced runner because of a little secret something called ‘RPE’. This is a secret code used to determine intensity. Since all workouts are geared around ‘RPE’, ANYONE, (from a Grandma to an Olympic athlete), can use these 21 bodyweight exercise and Treadmill Fat Loss workouts to torch fat, get fitter than ever and HAVE FUN!

Oh yes, and you’ll get those cool bonuses like the exercise library and 10 never seen before workouts in the Ab Definition 2.0 Bonus too 😉

Grab Treadmill Fat Loss here before the price goes up (That’s only 29 cents a workout….man, what am I thinking?)


St. Paddy’s Day Stair Workout

green stairsIt’s St. Patrick’s Day and in honor of all my Irish friends, I have the perfect workout for you.

Obviously, it’d be best if you were running up these green stairs today, but if you aren’t in the mood to re-decorate, go ahead and just wear something green while running any set of stairs 😉

I must give credit where credit is due, and for this workout it’s to my longest standing VIP coaching client, Suzy. She’s uber cool and she’s had amazing results with me – you can check out her story here (this was just her start).

She now comes up with some of the coolest workouts and this one is a classic….

Here’s what you need:

  • A green set of stairs
  • Okay, if you can’t have green stairs, go put on green socks or something
  • Be prepared to turn green…

All set?

Here we go:

  • 1 burpee – run 1 set of stairs, walk return down
  • 2 burpees – run 2 sets of stairs, walk return down
  • 3 burpees – run 3 sets of stairs, walk return down

Get the pattern?

  • 10 burpees – run 10 sets of stairs, walk return down

That’s it!

I won’t give any further reference to my bestie Suzy for fear that you’ll track her down and pinch (spelled ‘p-u-n-c-h’) her. But I will pass on your thanks 😉

2015-03-16 15.15.02-2If you want more cool stuff like this, Suzy was inspired by Challenge Burpee (77+ burpee variations and cool workouts like this) along with my latest Challenge Fit Club workouts that she test drove.

My Challenge Fit Club program has seven 21 day modules that center around the ‘challenge’ theme.

Lotsa fun stuff in both of these programs.

Oh ya, it’s your lucky day – use the coupon code ‘Yayforburpees‘ and get 30% off my Challenge Burpee  program just cuz I love ya!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

st paddy's day wish