I Got Legs! (And now they’re tired and sore ;)

Challenge workouts
Time for a few Q and A’s on the blog and I’ll finish off with a punishing workout for you…..

Question: I was wondering if a workout example could be sent to me to read over. I am a person that has bad knees and foot, was wondering if it is it possible to utilize this program in my life. Does it start off for a beginner or directly into advanced abilities. Thanks for your information in helping me decide if it is a program I can do. Debi

Just so you know, you have 60 days to review the program and return if it’s not suitable. I hope this helps. All the best with your fitness and working around your limitations. We can do all no or low impact exercise (which is always explained in the videos). The program IS progressive (starts off easier and gets more challenging).


Question: Would love to hear how you would (advise) get your TA back into shape after pregnancy. After 2nd baby (12 weeks post natal) I’m just not as cut as I want to be in lower abs and ready to try something new/hard/challenging. Have been flowing your workouts so am doing various burpees, pull-ups, weights etc & try to run a couple of times a week. Suggestions? Thanks – love your workouts!

Answer: Congrats on being a mom! And congrats on working to get into awesome shape again.

Your body takes some time to get back into your former condition and you’re doing everything right by the sounds of it. I hope you’re following a sensible eating plan as well since nutrition is more than half the battle once you’re training.

Remarkably as you do HIIT and resistance training, your abs will begin to appear due to fat loss (that is, you can’t spot reduce).

Any planking will help to hit the TA, take a look at some of the ab posts that I have for you. Here are some good posts (especially the first post) on ab training.

Ab Mistakes to Avoid  challenge abs

Diastasis Recti

Politically IN – Correct Abs


I hope this helps, keep me posted on your progress. Be kind to yourself, you recieved the best prize (your baby) and your body will return with time and effort.


And now for a killer body weight workout for you:

Here’s a tough bodyweight workout that you can do with NO equipment:

  • 20 seconds jump squat/10 seconds rest 20 seconds
  • jump squat/10 seconds pulsing squat
  • Repeat this 4 times

Then do 40 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest:cfl product grp

  • Swing lunge
  • Swing lunge other leg
  • Single Leg RDL walk out to push up
  • Single Leg RDL walk out to push up other side
  • Repeat one more time

You get a body weight, heart pounding workout in small space, a short time and with NO equipment. I’d say you have NO excuse NOT to do a workout when it’s as simple as this.

If you haven’t gotten Challenge Fat Loss workouts yet, it’s time to pull the trigger on these fast, effective follow along workouts that you can do in 20 minutes or less at home. You need minimum equipment and little space. The problem with these workouts is they take away your ‘excuse’ that your workouts takes too long or are too boring to stick with.


On the Juice?

challenge workoutsQuestion: I just purchased your challenge workout series and was wondering if you could help me. How do I go about using this series as my primary workout? in the past I have kept in shape by doing fitness videos but have never been able to achieve my fitness goals and I am getting frustrated! I am trying to achieve a more athletic shape to my body but I do not want to create bulk, I would really like to lean out though. I purchased the challenge burpee, jump rope and fat loss programs and am looking for some guidance! lol. any help you can provide would be awesome! Thanks! Trish

Answer: Trish, Thanks for your confidence in the Challenge Fat Loss series.

You never have to worry about too much bulk (adding too much muscle), I wish it were that easy to add muscle. Typically if you’re adding ‘bulk’ it’s not muscle that you’re adding. You need to use the nutrition tips to help you modify your eating for starters. You can never out train poor nutrition so get that dialed in. Don’t starve or stuff yourself, just clean up the junk and eat nutritionally dense food.
Your goal is to do 20 min of HARD HARD work daily (or minimum 4-5 times a week). You have the follow alongs with Challenge Fat Loss plan, I suggest starting with one of those workouts and do a finisher of jump rope or burpee. The Challenge Fat Loss workouts are a bit more progressive so start at week one and work through.
If one of the workouts only lasts 10 min, top it up with another one from another plan so that you’re training for a solid 20 min of hard work. Mix and match to vary it up. Remember it’s not the length of time training that matters, it’s the intensity and consistency over time that really matters most. Hope that helps, keep me posted.


Question: Shawna, you emailed this week about juicing as a way to increase nutritional density and fat loss. It seems there’s some conflicting information here. I thought you said we should steer clear of juice and liquid calories – period. You said that it’s best to eat fruit in particular for it’s fiber and micro-nutrients. Can you clear this up?

Answer: YES! This needs clarification. ‘Juicing’ is actually different than drinking ‘juice’. There are four common mistakes with juicing that I want to point out:

Juicing Mistake # 1: Using Too Much Fruitjuicing-1-aff

Fresh fruit is good. It’s loaded with antioxidants and vitamins that your body needs. But it’s also loaded with sugar.
When you eat whole, fresh fruits, the absorption of those sugars is slowed by all of the fiber the fruit contains, which helps prevent huge spikes of insulin into your bloodstream.

But with juicing, most or all of that fiber is removed. If you’re using a blender and drinking the pulp as well as the juice, you’ll still be getting some fiber to slow that absorption, but not nearly as much as you would by eating the whole fruit. If you’re using a juicer, then you are not getting any fiber at all.

A huge part of the benefit of juicing is giving those nutrients a straight shot into your bloodstream, muscles and organs. However, when you’re drinking fruit juices, all of that sugar hits your bloodstream incredibly quickly and all at once. This causes a dramatic spike in insulin release and when insulin is present in the bloodstream, your body is triggered to store fat. Repeating this over and over can also begin to cause insulin sensitivity issues.

The proper way to use fruit in juicing is to limit yourself to using half of a low-glycemic fruit like an apple or pear to sweeten up some of the more bitter or tasteless vegetable juices. If you do want to drink a fruit juice, try to stick with berries such as blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries. They’re loaded with antioxidants and rather low on the glycemic scale but they will still give you a sweet treat and a really good energy boost.

Juicing Mistake #2: Not Getting a Wide Enough Variety of Ingredients

juicing-8-affOne of the reasons that juicing is so great is that most of us don’t get nearly enough fresh vegetables in our diets. You should be eating between 16-20 servings of fresh vegetables per day for optimal health. But how many people have the time or the appetite to do that, even if they love vegetables?

The other thing is that even those of us who do eat several servings of vegetables every day tend to stick with four, five or six favorites. Those favorites might be great for you, but they are giving you a very limited variety of nutrients.

Dark, leafy greens provide a completely different nutrient variety than do dark, red vegetables. Orange veggies have antioxidants that purple veggies don’t.

Don’t make the same mistake with juicing that people make with whole vegetables, rotating through the same few vegetables day in and day out. You want to get a wide variety of vegetables of all colors in your juices and that’s really easy to do with just a handful of recipes because most recipes have a good mixture of vegetables from different families. This is how you get that antioxidant blast that’s going to propel your nutrition and your body to the next level.

Juicing Mistake #3: Being Inconsistent

In order to get the benefits of juicing, you have to be consistent. What it does mean is that you have to do it on a regular basis to really benefit. Don’t forget, you’re supposed to be eating a minimum of 16 servings of vegetables per day. Whether you decide to juice first thing in the morning and after your workouts or as a pick-me-up in the late afternoon, you should to stick to a consistent plan. Otherwise, you’ll not be getting the true benefits from juicing.

Juicing Mistake #4: Going on a Juicing “Diet”juicing-9-aff

Juicing is not a weight-loss diet. Yes, you can lose a great deal of weight through juicing and faster than you would believe, but not by replacing most or all of your food with juice.

Going on a juice cleanse for a few days or a week can do wonders for your weight loss efforts, but only because it will help reset your metabolism, get your hormones back in line and clean out your digestive system. It is a short-term tool for both health and getting your body ready to burn some serious fat, but it is short-term.

If you try to lose body fat by consuming nothing but juice or even by getting by on nothing but a ton of juice and a few servings of protein, you’re going to get results that are exactly the opposite of what you’re hoping for.

First, you are going to be starving. You will be unsatisfied and likely go off on a binge eating feast. Any fat you lost in the meantime is going to come right back on, and the truth is that most of the weight you lose will be lean muscle mass and water.

It’s very doubtful that you will be getting enough protein on a juice “diet,” so your body will very quickly begin catabolizing (cannibalizing, really) the protein in your muscles. You will be fatigued, malnourished and have a lot less muscle.

Juicing can be used as a supplement to your diet to help you lose body fat. Your digestive system will start working correctly. Your hormone levels, especially cortisol, insulin and testosterone, will be corrected. Your immune system will get a huge boost, reducing inflammation. You will have an incredible amount of energy, which means you will work out harder. You don’t need to go on a juice “diet,” you just need to juice.

==> Click here to learn how to Juice Easily & Properly

My daughter, Hannah is the ‘juice pusher’ in my house. I love it when I come to my desk to find a concoction she’s made. There have been some real ‘experiments’, but thanks to these cool recipes, all her concoctions now are yum!

juice product group vince

Broiled White Fish with Brown Rice & Veggies

This is a great meal for cutting calories and dropping weight. Watch your portions with the brown rice in order to stay within your daily calorie goal. White fish is packed with protein – just what you need for toning your body.

Servings: 2

Broiled White Fish with Brown Rice & Veggies

Here’s what you need:

  • 2 fillets white fish
  • 1 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 lemon
  • seafood seasoning
  • paprika
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, cut into bite-sized chunks
  • 1/2 cup broccoli florets
  • 2/3 cup brown rice, cooked
  • 2 Tablespoons salsa
  1. Preheat broiler. Grease your broil pan with the olive oil. Place the fillets and bell pepper in the pan, squeeze the lemon juice over it. Sprinkle with seafood seasoning and paprika.
  2. Place the pan under the broiler for 5-7 minutes, watching closely to prevent burning. Add the broccoli and cook for another minute until soft.
  3. Mix the cooked brown rice with the salsa and divide between two plates. Place a fillet on each bed of rice along with half of the veggies.

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 203 calories, 3g fat, 24g carbohydrate, 3g fiber, and 19g protein.

Garage Built Strong

Dudes, my guess is that most of you want to look like this guy here:  Travis Stoetzel

If I were a dude, I’d certainly want to look like him. The cool thing about that dude is that he’s as functionally fit as he is easy to look at.

You’ve seen him on the blog several times before. He and I did a head to head challenge here on the TRX.

He had other fun workouts for you here, here and here.

This is Travis Stoezel and anyone who knows Travis knows that he’s just  hard core to the core. He obviously practices what he preaches. His training programs are not for the faint of heart.

What I like about his plans though are that they take into account that not everyone is at his crazy fit level. His goal is to ‘get you there’.

For example, in the workout below, you don’t have to start off being a super hero to be able to do the workout. He plans his workouts in a progressive manner so that as you improve, you can make the workout more intense.

Another thing I like about his workouts is this:

E.M.O.T.M. ==> Every minute on the minute set. It works like this, you get the prescribed work done and then if you have any time left, you get to rest.

I like this because the harder you work, the more rest you get. If you dog it or go slowly, the work out is still tough because you get no rest. Pretty nasty right?

Take a look at hard core Travis as he describes your workout for today here:

Day 3 – Strength Repeat Day

1A) 3 Sets E.M.O.T.M. x 8 Mins

a) Power Snatch x 1

b) Push Press x 1
c) Thruster x 1

***Complete 3 full rounds through the complex = set ***Alternate Arms Each Minute

2A) SELECT – 5 / 6 / 8 Min AMRAP Of:

a) Push Ups –> Suspended Push Ups –> Atomic Push Ups x 5
b) Cossack Squats –> Weighted Cossack Squats x 5 / Side

3A) KBS Death – E.M.O.T.M. x ???

a) Kettlebell Swing x 10, 12, 14…
***Go until you fail to complete the work listed within the minute

Want more session like this?

Right now for this week only, you can get the newly unleashed Garage Built Body Training System for 50% OFF plus with all of the limited time BONUSES.

If you’re looking to burn fat and build lean muscle with workouts that take you less than 24 minutes to do, this is the system you need.

The best part is you can do these workouts at home with minimal equipment.

Check out the details HERE.



Never Sit Down Never Grow Old

No one really plans on getting old.

Of course we all know it’s a reality, but it’s something that happens to others and it’s difficult to see in ourselves. Often it hits us in the face when we see a photograph or when we see someone that we haven’t seen in years. It’s either a pleasant surprise or a dose of a little too much reality (often served up with a dose of mortality on the side).

I just turned 52.

Fitness008This is a recent photo that I had taken and evidence that years of doing sweaty workouts are definitely time well spent. I’ve been a gym rat for over thirty years. I want to encourage all of you who hit the gym on a regular basis now to NEVER stop or sit down.

Life has a funny way of putting obstacles in the way of training. You might find that you’re super dedicated now, but then you may get a big job, you have a family, you go on holiday or may find any number of valid reasons to have an interruption in your training schedule and then it happens: you get out of your routine and your workouts are shelved. You may think it’s temporarily, but too often it’s longer than you plan.

I know you may say it ‘won’t happen to ME’, but seriously, I tend to be the exception and not the rule when it comes to the ‘super fit and over 50’ category. All my ‘gym buddies’ from past training days have long since found a comfortable chair while I have not. I don’t rely on stories of my ‘glory days’ as an athlete from the past; I continue to live the ‘glory days’ with personal challenges now.

Do you want to have visible abs when you’re 50? Do you want to be able to do pull ups, human flags, and have strength like you do now? I’m here to say it’s not only possible, it’s probable if you play your cards right. I’m as strong as I’ve EVER been and probably even leaner than I was in my 30’s. You can be too.

It’s the 10,000 hour rule: This is the idea that it takes approximately 10000 hours of deliberate practice to master something. The ‘something’ in this case, is your body. Sadly many people spend more time and money on their car than their body.

Here are ten tips to keep in mind so that years will be more of a friend than a foe:

– Consistent short workouts trump longer sporadic ones. Often times I get asked how long I spend training each day; more important is the consistent commitment of a short amount of training time over the long haul.

-Take notes. Training journals are helpful accountability tools. I can compare performance from 20 years ago. I know what my body is capable of and I can push my limits. I can log an ache or pain so I can track what caused it, what things to avoid, when to get treatment when needed and what treatments worked.challenge workout journals

-Small smart nutritional choices add up BIG TIME in the long run. You don’t have to be a total food freak, but making hard choices 80% of the time makes a huge difference in your physique over time.

-Beauty sleep is important. Having consistent sleep patterns help recovery and keep cortisol levels low. We know that a high cortisol level is associated with increased belly fat and adrenal fatigue.

-It may sound too motherly to say ‘moderation in all things’ however that’s what works when it comes to lifestyle.

-Training need not be ‘moderate’ though. In fact, ‘pedal to the metal’ is more like it. Train with passion, intensity and intelligence.

-Train heavy. Lift as much weight as you safely can to increase and maintain as much metabolically active muscle as possible. Muscle is the fountain of youth: it keeps your metabolism fired up and helps staying lean that much easier.

-Continue to setgoals goals and give yourself physical challenges.

-You may require more recovery between workouts. Listen to your body. Sometimes less is more, as long as less is part of a deliberate plan and doesn’t become ‘nothing’ when it comes to intense workouts.

-Pay attention, your body is an incredible machine, learn how it reacts to life: training, eating, stress, sleep, etc. The great thing about aging is it gives you more time in your own skin to really get to know yourself physically, mentally and emotionally.
I hope that you’re passionate about your physique right now. I hope that this is something that only grows in intensity. Your passion for training is hopefully as ingrained in your daily lifestyle as brushing your teeth. The challenge of maintaining a kick ass body as you age is really the epitome of all challenges where YOU become the ultimate winner with great health to live life to the fullest.


I never use age as an excuse and neither should you. I can help you with your fitness through my blog and challenging workout plans. I know some of the workouts I post are a little too aggressive. Some of you may be very intimidated by the workouts I have on the here.

If this is you, I have good news.

If you are:

  • new to fitness or at all intimidated by fitness
  • recovering from an injury
  • 50+ and need a ‘gentle’ approach
  • looking for ‘follow along’ videos
  • need ‘coaching’ along the way

This is an at home fitness solution for you.

Here’s a sample workout:

fflo55 workout A















This is a fantastic program to get you moving safely.  If you need a place to get started with your return to fitness, this is the one.

prod grp pic fflo55

Check out the 20 Minute Anti-Aging Solution

OR, if you’re ready for more of a challenge, you can check out my various workout programs at ILoveChallengeWorkouts.com



Do YOU have any ‘look and feel young’ strategies? I’d sure like to know. I can use any and all advice since I plan on living to be at least 150 years old 😉

(This is your cue to comment below!)