Workout Recovery Tips

I did a little survey this week and got this question:

How do I  keep the soreness after a workout to a minimum? After I work out it takes me days to recover.

It’s true, I notice that as I get older, my recovery time is a little longer. Aches and pains force me to train smarter and have made me think hard about what to do between workouts.

The smarter I am between my workouts, the better I feel, the less tight I am, the faster I recover, the harder I can go in my next workout and the better results that I get.

Makes sense right?

While I’d love to have a weekly massage to aid recovery, it’s not always possible with limited time and funds so I make sure I do some active recovery tricks in between my hard training sessions.

These recovery tricks are from my good friend, Rick Kaselj. These tricks only take me a few minutes but they lead to so many benefits which include faster recover,  less soreness and injury avoidance.

You’ll see a video on a few of the tricks I do here:

I like using a foam roller. In the video, you’ll see that I use the roller on my hamstrings and especially my IT bands. Often time knee pain can be caused by a patella that isn’t tracking properly, so I always try to roll out my IT bands and I’ve noticed my knees feel much better.

If I’m traveling, I may not want to take my roller with me. In this case, I often will use a tennis ball (or hard ball of any sort will work). In the video, you’ll see that I use the ball on my elbows, but I also use it for my middle back or anywhere that I may have an ache or pain.

The bottoms of my feet get very sore (sometimes it’s my own fault for not wearing proper shoes when I jump rope). I often will get a cold can of soda and roll my foot over it to loosen up the fascia on the bottom of my foot.

Check out a few of the recovery tricks that I do here.

You’d be surprised at all the various ways you can help yourself recover from workouts. I like to roll right after my workout; I even have a roller in my bedroom and will roll a little before bed.

If I had a hot tub, I’d do some of these recovery tricks after soaking. A hot bath works just as well. It’s a brilliant way to loosen the muscles up before doing some rolling and other recovery tricks before bed. This allows me to sleep better, recover faster and hit my workouts harder.

If you’d like to learn some of the many recovery tricks I’ve learned, then you need to check out this program from Rick Kaselj. He has dozens of recovery tips and tricks laid out easily, with video demonstrations and easy to follow directions here.

Everyone gets sore from time to time and having some techniques to ‘recover’ from muscle soreness is key.

It’s not like the ‘olden’ days where doctors just told you to ‘rest’ for six weeks, or six months or six years…While rest can be helpful when you’re feeling an ache or pain, it does little to SPEED up the recovery time.

One key of these techniques is that through active massage, it forces blood into a sore area which helps the body heal as it sweeps out the bad stuff 😉

If you’re curious as to how you can recover faster and perform better, make sure you check out this page…I know you’ll like the format and step by step instructions that literally make your aches and pains disappear and your exercise performance improve.

> 5 Recovery Workouts that Everyone Should Do <

Drink Up?

Sin City. mm grp sept 2014

You see it all there.

Recently I was out with a group of fit pros in crazy Las Vegas. We had spent the day sharing strategies on how to help our clients best, and by the evening time, we really needed to chill.

After a team dinner, we ended up at a beautiful lounge in the Cosmopolitan called ‘The Chandelier’. We were just hanging out at the bar when I found a couple staring at me as if they knew me. Since I’m a friendly Canadian, I said ‘Hi’, we chatted a bit and then I quickly ended the conversation when it got weird. The woman asked me if I wanted a lap dance from the fella.

Umm…No thanks.

thanks but no thx

I politely excused myself and went to sit down with our group.

The woman proceeded to follow me and with the encouragement of the trouble makers in our group, she gave me a lap dance.

I was pretty embarrassed as everyone laughed,  but it was all in good fun.

Clearly, this woman had one too many drinks (and maybe I had one too few 🙂 ).

After this experience and witnessing so many folks carrying their gallon sized drinks along the Vegas Strip, I figured I’d discuss the affects of alcohol.

Most obviously, alcohol can make folks a little crazy, but I want to talk about how it affects us in terms of fat loss.

I get this question all the time: Does alcohol REALLY make you fat?

Well in a few words:

Runaway Train 300x195 Want a Cool One?

Booze: Lower inhibitions + increased appetite = Runaway train to weight gain


If you really enjoy having a drink now and again, I have a solution so that you actually CAN lose weight and enjoy a drink HERE, but I suggest you read this email first 😉

All alcohol is a carbohydrate, or a simple sugar, void of any vitamins or minerals. One ounce of alcohol provides about 70 calories with NO nutritional value.

Although alcohol is a simple sugar, it requires no digestion. This is why your body prefers alcohol as a fuel before using other carbs, proteins, or ingested fats. It’s considered “nutrient sparing” since it becomes the quickest available food, it spares all other nutrients that follow it. So if you’re ingesting a ton of calories along with the liquid calories of alcohol, this will most likely be stored as belly fat because the liver is busy processing the alcohol.

Alcohol is such a fast acting simple sugar that enters the blood-stream through the walls of the stomach as opposed to most nutrients, which are absorbed in the small intestine. This quick absorption explains why you may feel the effects of alcohol right away. It also goes directly to work on the central nervous system and starts to damage valuable brain cells by withdrawing water that’s essential for cellular health.

So, here are 6 quick tips to prevent fat storage when you drink alcohol. I don’t want to be a party killer, but you can just keep these tips in mind when you occasionally have a wobbly pop.

Lesson 1: Alcohol has calories. Keep this in mind when you consider your daily caloric intake. If you’re drinking calories, you probably need to consider what you’re eating because those calories all add up.

Lesson 2: Alcohol dehydrates, so for every alcoholic beverage, double up on water consumption to reduce this effect and reduce the likelihood of the ‘hang over headache’. Drink more water before bed and keep a water bottle by your night stand.

Lesson 3: Keep calories low and clean when drinking as much as possible. (This may be a tough thing to do though, because, alcohol stimulates appetite.) Focus your food around protein and veggies and keep carbs to a minimum if you’re drinking. Avoid the late night pizza and other temptations that often occur with drinking.

Lesson 4: Avoid calories in the mix of your drinks. Stick with a clear alcohol mixed with water or club soda. This way you’ll avoid the empty sugar calories that can add up to 500 calories per serving (no joke). Don’t get ‘tonic water’ and ‘club soda’ confused, although they may seem like they’re the same thing, tonic water has as many calories as soda.

Lesson 5: Crank up your metabolism with a short and sweaty challenge workout BEFORE you drink so that your body will handle the extra calories more efficiently. Also make sure you’re fully hydrated before your festivities begin.

Lesson 6: Make sure you consume extra water and nutrient rich vitamins, anti-oxidants, and food sources the following morning. This will help your body recover get on track quicker.

Realistically, most people will have alcohol at some point, so it’s all about ‘damage control’ to avoid fat storage and sabotaging fat loss efforts.

Enjoy an occasional drink, but remember if you’re truly serious about fat loss, you may consider a drink as your ‘treat meal’ or special occasion and not a daily habit.

So the next question is:  Can I lose weight and still have an alcoholic beverage?

If you’re truly serious about weight loss and want to make a big impact in a short time, then I recommend that you check out my 21 Day Challenge Fat Loss program. You can enjoy your favorite alcoholic beverage in your ‘treat meal’ on this plan if you really wanted to. This is a plan that you can adopt for life, even though I call it the ’21 day’ challenge. Honestly, you’ll feel SO energized and motivated, you’ll want to continue the healthy eating that you learn on the plan.

There’s a little ‘secret sauce’ in the plan that has nothing to do with food. Here are 5 steps to drop 3-5 pounds in the next 7 days:

Step 1 – Social Support

A study from Harvard showed that participants that used social support while losing weight were more successful than those who didn’t.

In fact, the average weight loss among participants who used support was 20 pounds compared to 9 pounds for those without support!

And with the exclusive Challenge Diet community, you’ll have access to other people just like you, as well as myself.

Step 2 – Accountability

Everyone in our group will be keeping an eye on you, and you’ll have NO choice but to succeed as you will have to OWN UP to what you’re eating so we can all create food awareness and learn from each other.

Step 3 – A Simple Plan and Being Prepared

There is no guesswork. You’ll know exactly what to eat, step-by-step with the power of flexibility based on your preferences. Preparation is a key to success in any situation, but especially food.

Step 4 – Incentive

You’ll see and feel a difference in only 7 days. Expect to lose up to 11 pounds in only 21 days and have the tools and habits that will springboard your future fat loss success.

When you lose fat fast (against what the media tells you), you will be inspired to continue. It’s called “success momentum”.

Step 5 – Deadline

Another piece to the puzzle that’s missing from other programs is a set deadline. What’s your end date? Set one up.

21daysImagine sticking to your plan, step-by-step, for 21 days.

Anyone, including you, can stick to a plan for JUST 21 days. Knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel is what keeps people just like you going.

And if you’re wondering why 21-days… it’s because studies show that it takes just 21-days to form a habit. And that’s what I want to help you with.

I want to teach you the fat loss and nutrition secrets that work. And then give you a detailed day-by-day plan to follow so that you can see fast results, and then leave you with the habits to do it on your own moving forward.

But you’ll also have the security in knowing you won’t get the “rebound” weight gain that other diets don’t even talk about. You’ll get proven resources and simple strategies to keep the weight off forever…and if you choose to do so, continue with your fat loss!

Check out the 21 Day Challenge Diet here and start losing 3-5 pounds your first week, even if you decide to have a wobbly pop.

Oh, and if you happen to be in Vegas and get a free unsolicited lap dance, let us know how that goes 😉

Guest Post – A New Approach To Training Your Abs

On a recent trip to Vegas, it was the Mayweather VS Maidana match. While I didn’t go to the fight, there was plenty of press surrounding it, so I couldn’t help but notice how RIPPED these fighters were.

The first thing I thought of, is what kind of training, do these guys go through?

So, I asked my good friend, Andrew and he was kind enough to share this post with us.

By Andrew Raposo 

I see it all the time… countless reps of different types of ab exercises.

100 reps of Crunches
100 reps of Russian twists
100 reps of “Ab bicycles”

My question is… WHY?

Do you train your other body parts like that?

I hope not…

As a matter of fact, have you been getting any type of results from this type of ab training?

If your answer is no, then I highly recommend that you read on. Today, I’m going to show you how to train your abs for STRENGTH. You don’t train strength by doing 100+ reps of an exercise.

You ever wonder if you can specifically target the fat around the midsection? This is how you do it.

The new approach that you’re going to learn about ab training is by training your abs like a fighter.

Fighters have the most RIPPED Abs in any other sport you see on TV. They also have the strongest midsection in sport. Why not train abs like them?

The difference between fighters and everyone else is that fighters train their abs for strength.

Just imagine getting punched and kicked repeatedly towards your midsection. You better believe you have to train your abs differently.

The best part is you don’t have to use one piece of equipment. All you need is your own bodyweight. Now you’re probably wondering, “How do you train your abs for strength with just your own bodyweight?” I will show you how.

Today, I’m going to give you a sample ab-training workout that the top-level fighters use to get their ripped chiseled abs and have core strength that will blow you away.

Without further delay, let’s get right into the workout.

Fighter Ab-Training Circuit

Box Plank – 10 Reps Each Side
Long Plank Walkouts – 5 Reps
Hardstyle Plank – 10 Sec x3
Rest 60 Sec

Repeat for a total of 3-5 rounds.

If it’s your first time doing this circuit, start with 3 rounds and work your way up to 5.

Now you’re probably wondering what these exercises look like. Check out the descriptions of each exercise below.

Box Plank

Box Plank

• Start in a quadruped position. Knees underneath the hips and hands underneath the shoulders.
• Brace your abs and get your knees off the ground.
• Keep the abs braced and without moving the hips, get one hand off the ground.
• Repeat with the other hand.

Long Plank Walkouts


Long Plank Walkouts

• Get into the top of a push up position.
• Walk your hands forward until they are above your head while keeping your abs braced.
• Walk your hands back into the top of a push up position.
• Prevent the hips from swaying side to side when performing the movement.

Hardstyle Plank

Hardstyle Plank

• Start in a plank position on your elbows.
• Make sure there is a straight line from your head to toes and hands away from each other.
• Squeeze your abs, glutes, quads, and fists as hard as you can.
• Drive your elbows to your toes as hard as you can.
• Hold this tension for 10 seconds and then rest for 5 seconds.
• Repeat this 2 more times.

There it is, a real ab workout that will get you on the road to having ripped abs like a fighter. You can perform this circuit at the end of a training session or even on an off day. You get much better results when you train your abs like this rather than performing countless reps of a random ab exercise.

If you would like more workouts like this, check out Fighter Abs for done for you videos and a complete step-by-step guide in getting you Six-Pack Abs with just your own bodyweight.


About Andrew

Bio Picture

Andrew is a North American Super Middle Weight Muay Thai Champion and a Two Time Provincial Gold Medalist in Boxing. Andrew is a passionate Fitness & Strength Coach and runs a private practice out of Toronto, Canada. Where he trains high-level fighters for competition as well as transform average bodies into extraordinary results with his unique approach to training. He is also the Creator and Author of Fighter Abs.

Vegas Baby – 10 Minute Workout

I’m in Vegas with some of my favorite fitness folks. las vegas sign

Unlike most Vegas trips, this is not a ‘what goes on in Vegas – stays in Vegas‘ type trip.

The purpose of this trip is to ‘mastermind’ with the best in the biz. We come here once a year to meet and share strategies on how to help our clients best. It’s not to say we don’t have a good time, but it’s mostly biz.

I’m pretty happy to see my friend, Derek Wahler here. He tried to make it to the Turbulence Training Summit in June 2014 but spent 10 days in the San Diego hospital instead. He recently had another health set back. He’s a dude that’s tough as nails and his health issues came totally out of the blue and nearly killed him. Literally. You can read more about that story and how it motivated him to help others achieve their own fitness goals even more.

In any case, I’m just happy to see him here alive and well!

If there were ever a time to have NO time to train, it’s at meetings like this in Vegas. We sequester ourselves into a conference room from 9am to 5pm or later and in the remaining time we try to hang out and take in some Vegas fun.

But for me, a workout just HAS to happen.

The good news is that with a bunch of fit pros around, there’s no excuse or lack of training ideas. Derek  shared this workout where if you have only 10 minutes, you can hit your entire body with HIDT (High Intensity Density Training):

  • Prisoner Squat (12 reps)
  • Spiderman push up (6 reps/side)
  • Burpees (12 reps)

Do as many circuits as possible in 10 minutes, resting only when needed.

Use these NO-EQUIPMENT 10-minute Stacks anywhere

If you have just 10 minutes today, you can still get results by using HIDT (although it’s not easy). That will be your MAIN workout.

If I have time later in the day, (another 10 minutes), I can boost my fat-burning by adding another 10-minute stack. And if I’m really on it, I can add a third ‘stack’ to boost my fat burning (and maybe offset a little of the restaurant food I’m eating).

You’ll get results with just one ‘stack’ because of the volume of work you put in (aka density), but because you won’t need any equipment, you can “spread” these 10-minute stacks during the day for even BETTER results.

Why does this work?

A study at the University of Missouri put people into two groups:

Group A – One long bout of exercise done in the morning

Group B – Intermittent bouts of exercise during the day (over

12 hours)

Blood samples were collected every 10 min and measured for glucose, insulin, and c-peptide concentrations.

(Insulin and glucose contribute to your body’s ability to burn fat while at rest.)

After 12 hours, the group that used short bouts during the day had lower insulin levels than the group that did one bout of exercise in the morning.

Lower insulin = increase your body’s ability to burn fat

So, no matter how busy your schedule is, or even if you find yourself in Vegas, you can still burn fat and get YOUR beach body thanks to this new research.

10-Minute Stacking Solution <= Perfect for busy people like you

Morning 10-minute HIDT = Good Results

“Stack” another 10-Minute HIDT = Better Results

Do this mid-day as HIDT suppresses your appetite and you’ll eat less (SCORE!).

Advanced – “Stack” a third HIDT = BEST results

Here are 280,840 HIDT combinations so you’ll NEVER plateau

… all with ZERO equipment.

If you don’t have your health, you don’t have much and Derek’s brush with death motivated him to push his mission.

Not only are his 10 minute ‘stackable’ workouts fantastic, you’ll also see that he’s added a ton of bonuses and lowered the price for his program to make it affordable to everyone.

derek w 10 min product grp


Literally ANYONE can get fit if you have 10 minutes and only $17. Find out more HERE.







Spicy Veggie Stir Fry

When you want a healthy meal that doesn’t compromise on flavor—here’s your dish. This vegetarian recipe calls for chicken substitute, but you can use real chicken if you want. Bake or grill real chicken before adding it to the recipe. 

Servings: 4

Spicy Veggie Stir Fry
Here’s what you need…

  • 3 cups hot cooked instant rice (cooked as directed on the package, omitting margarine and salt)
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • ½ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1 teaspoon oil
  • ¼ cup chopped onion
  • 1 medium green bell pepper, cut into thin strips
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 3 medium zucchini, halved lengthwise, thinly sliced
  • 4 frozen breaded chicken substitute patties, thawed, cut into bit-sized pieces
  • 3 tomatoes cut into thin wedges.

1. While rice is cooking, in small bow, combine 1 cup water, soy sauce, cornstarch and red pepper flakes; blend well. Set aside.

2. Heat oil in large nonstick skillet or wok over medium heat until hot. Add onion and bell pepper; cook 3 to 4 minutes or until onion is tender. Add 2 tablespoons water and zucchini; cover and cook until all vegetables are tender.

3. Add chicken substitute pieces and tomatoes; cook until thoroughly heated. Stir cornstarch mixture; added to skillet. Cook and stir until thickened. Serve mixture over rice.

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 380 calories, 10g fat, 54g carbohydrate, 6g fiber, and 13g protein