Challenge Burpee

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 Use old school training techniques in workouts that are 15 minutes or less for fat burning and improved fitness.

 Here’s the sales page:

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 Here’s more content (videos) if you’d like to use it in a post or email:

 100 burpee pull up challenge preview: (there will be a video follow along for the 100 burpee pull up challenge)

 preview of challenge burpee:

 Challenge burpee 5×5 (workout)

 Burpees for every level (with Kate V and Mike W)

 Burpees on the Las Vegas Strip

 How to learn burpees and the sprawl

 How to do burpees safely with Rick K


 Email 1

 Subject options:

Best exercise EVER?

The #1 bodyweight exercise of all time is…

Controversial – the BEST exercise of all time?



 It’s controversial between fitness experts and even Scientists…

 … but most agree that this exercise is the BEST exercise of all time.

 It’s not a pushup.

It’s not a squat.

It’s not a sit-up, either.

 It’s WAY more than that…

 More bang for your exercise buck, that’s what gets dramatic results faster, right?

 So if you had to do ONE exercise to get you fit and looking fantastic in record time, what would it be?

 According to the chairman of the department of kinesiology at McMaster University in Hamilton Ontario, when asked his opinion on the single best exercise, he suggested the burpee because it “It builds muscles AND it builds endurance.”

 It’s a 3 for 1 exercise that only takes 3 seconds to perform. You’ll hit the upper body, lower body, core and cardiovascular system all within that 3-second window.

 It really doesn’t get any more efficient than that. And, oh by the way, the fact that you need NO equipment and can do burpees pretty much ANYwhere are added bonuses.

 So why aren’t people doing more burpees?

 Well, too much of anything can get boring, PLUS you’ll have a risk of overuse injuries.

 But, when you plug in burpees strategically with other “bang-for-your-buck” moves in specific combination and you have a fast n’ nasty workout that never could be described as ‘boring’.

 That’s what you’ll find from my friend, Shawna K’s Challenge Burpee program. You’ll find 21 workouts with burpees and combinations you’ve never done before. You’ll be challenged to push your fitness levels and the ‘happy coincidence’ whenever you consistently challenge yourself is a rockin’ hard body. (Shawna is proof of that! She’s 50 but can keep up with 20 year olds is shredded)

These are the workouts she and her most successful clients use

Shawna will also let you in on her insider secrets on how to get the most from each move inside her coaching videos that come with the workouts, too.

This ensures that your exercise form is perfect, will maximize your results and keep you injury free. For much less than a buck a workout, you’re really getting ‘bang for your buck’ in more ways than one.

 You’ll also want to try her 500 and 1000 Rep Workout Bonuses to really test your mettle.

 Here is the best exercise of all time and how to use it to get ripped

 Join the 3 for 1 exercise movement!



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 Email 2

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ONE exercise that works DOZENS of muscles at the same time

The same exercise top athletes use [inside]



 There’s ONE exercise that works dozens of muscles at the same time. In fact, this exercise is used by the top athletes with their conditioning. It’s why they are so ripped.

 But you don’t do enough of them (if any) because you might think you’re not “athletic” enough. The truth is that this ONE exercise can literally smash a plateau and jump start fat loss when combined with other exercises.

My friend, Shawna K put together a video for you describing how burpees can be used by anyone, including YOU, to up their fitness game and shatter any weight loss or fitness goal:


 You can always modify a burpee at first (or when you get tired) with a full body extension or a burpee walk out.

 Of course there are ways to intensify the already challenging burpee too and Shawna’s got tons of ways to do just that with these NEW 21 Burpee Challenge Workouts you can do anywhere.

 Shatter your plateau and improve your fitness with these special workouts

 Here’s a sample workout for you to try. Do 30 seconds of work with a 5 to 10 second rest in between each exercise. Do this entire set 3 to 5 times:

– frogger burpee

– prisoner reverse lunge

– inchworm push up

– double jump burpee

– plank with alternate leg lift

Feel free to take a 30 second break in between sets if necessary, maintaining great form for each exercise is your number one priority.

Challenge Burpee  is full of the ‘tried and true’ burpees in combination with body weight exercises and simple DB exercises to blast fat and get you fit in record time.

 Get ripped with the BEST bodyweight exercise of all time


 Here’s the video link if you want to add this:


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Email 3

 Subject options:

Are you wasting your time working out? [study]

Eliminate this ONE hormone if you want to lose fat

These workouts PROMOTE fat GAIN



 According to a 2011 study in the scientific journal Psychoneuroendocrinology, Cardio increases the stress hormone cortisol. (Skoluda, N., Dettenborn, L., et al. Elevated Hair Cortisol Concentrations in Endurance Athletes. Psychoneuroendocrinology. September 2011.)

 If you’re doing traditional cardio, you’re not only wasting your valuable workout time, the time spent working out is actually counter productive. Do THIS instead.

 You see cortisol is the ‘fat storing’ hormone, it particularly stores belly fat. I know this is NOT your workout intention. But overuse of cardio actually PROMOTES this hormone, which is robbing your ability to burn fat.

 If you’re looking to lose your belly fat, you need another option than a treadmill, bike or boring elliptical session.

 No, you won’t be able to watch another episode of ‘Big Bang Theory’ or read your favorite magazine while plodding along ‘working out’, but you’ll save enough time that you can actually sit down after and STILL BE BURNING CALORIES well after your workout when you train with the intensity needed…

 … as in up to 40 hours AFTER your workout!

 If you want one of the MOST effective ways to burn massive amounts of fat in the shortest amount of time, look to the BEST bodyweight move of all time to light your metabolic fire.

 What is it? It’s a move that works 13 muscles in 3 seconds. Talk about an overall body toner and conditioner (sounds like shampoo….but it’s not…) It’s the lowly burpee.

 The burpee is making a come back, but like anything else, it’s ‘new and improved’. Sure it still uses 13 muscles in 3 seconds, but it’s ‘fancified’ to increase intensity and decrease boredom.

 My trainer friend, Shawna K loves to add burpees to her workouts in a NEW combination that promotes fat loss without overuse injuries (unlike those “workout of the days” you see all the time).

 Get all 21 workouts here using the BEST exercise of all time

 You’ll find 21 workouts and coaching videos to help you get started on each workout. If you’re gonna do something, you may as well do it right. So watch the 1-2 minute coaching video, get fired up and get your burpee on.

 Your body will thank you. Even though there’ll be less of ‘your body’ around when you firm up, lose your muffin top and extra belly fat by doing Challenge Burpee.

 You’ll appreciate your ‘hard body’ (and so will others 😉 after putting these workouts to use in just under a week (yes, that’s how powerful her workouts are because after all, they do use the best exercise of all time in every workout.

 Get all 21 Challenge Burpee workouts here <= Price DOUBLES tomorrow



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 Email 4

 Subject options:

Fwd: 9 workouts that have the BEST exercise of all time

Old school vs new school [you haven’t heard of these]



 A workout plan is imperative, but if you aren’t excited about it, you may as well not have one. It’s why most people fail on a program. They either take too long or they are boring.

 Look, your workout success is up to you and your intensity. When you bring new exercises and challenges to your game, your body can’t help but respond. How does your body respond to new exercises?

 It takes longer to recover from a new stimulus. That’s good news because that means more calorie burning for hours.

 Click HERE for a new twist on an old school exercise

 Have you heard of these: Frogger burpees? Long jump burpees? Double jump burpees? Sit out burpee? Renegade burpee?

 Well, you probably noticed one commonality: burpees! But obviously not the same old boring burpee that you may have dreaded in the past.

 The fact is, the burpee is ONE exercise that works 13 muscles in 3 seconds, but works WAY more when you add these crazy variations. Your body AND mind are challenged so that you’re excitement for your workout is high, but more importantly, you burn more fat in less time because of this ONE exercise.

 For LESS THAN ONE THIRD of the price of a session with a mediocre trainer, you can have a plan created by a trainer with international accolades and status, one that has a proven track record for getting results.

 In fact, Shawna K uses her own body as a testing ground with these workouts and man, she practices what she preaches and it shows. She’s 50 and is more ripped than many 20-year olds.

 Take a look at Challenge Burpee and you’ll find fun workouts like:

– Ultimate Marathon

– Burpee Repeats

– Sittin Pretty Burpee

– No Joke

– Please Sir, Another Round

– Rotten to the Core

– A Nauseating Burpee Recipe

– Holy Hamstring

– Three for the Road

 These are short (under 15 minute) workouts that you can use at the end of your workout or as a stand alone workouts when your time is tight. You only need your bodyweight, a pull up bar, a set of dumb bells and a whole lot of fat-burning energy.

 Get 21 done-for-you Challenge Burpee workouts here <= Price Doubles Tonight



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Email 5

 Subject: Fresh twist to old school training



There’s something to be said about old school training. But it’s even better when there’s new twists added to what’s already tried and true.

 Take a look at my good friend, Shawna K:

 She uses her body as a testing ground for her workouts, (along with the thousands of clients she trains worldwide). Would you believe that Shawna is 50? Clearly she knows what she’s doing.

 And she’s done it again. She’s come out with a new twist to an old stand by: the burpee. But you won’t find just an ordinary burpee in her short and intense workouts.

 Have you heard of these: Frogger burpees? Long jump burpees? Double jump burpees? Sit out burpee? Renegade burpee? These are just a few of the burpee variations she puts together along with body weight and workouts with just a set of dumb bells and a pull up bar.

 Take a look at Challenge Burpee and you’ll find fun workouts like:

– Ultimate Marathon

– Burpee Repeats

– Sittin Pretty Burpee

– No Joke

– Please Sir, Another Round

– Rotten to the Core

– A Nauseating Burpee Recipe

– Holy Hamstring

– Three for the Road

 Keeping your workouts full of fresh ideas that will keep your results coming. For LESS THAN ONE THIRD of the price of a session with a mediocre trainer, you can have a plan created by a trainer with international accolades and status, one that has a proven track record for getting results.

 Grab Challenge Burpee before the price more than doubles.

 The good news is that if you find the plan isn’t right for you, you’ve got a 100% money back guarantee. But I’ll guarantee you this: if you give her plan the old college try, you’ll be more than pleasantly surprised.



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Subject: Sexy results in less time (scientific proof)

Let’s not waste each other’s time ok? Most people will say that their number one objection to working out is time constraints. Given that, what’s the best protocol for getting results in the least amount of time? Take a look at the solution HERE.

Are there health benefits do exercising for hoursa day? Well, exercising for hours is better than watching television for hours, but not much. Take a look at this study:

A 1998 study in the International Journal ofSports Nutrition had women do 45 minutes ofcardio per day, 5 days per week. They followedthis protocol for 3 months.

The result? They lost NO more weight thanthose who dieted alone. Seems like a BIG waste of time if weight loss is your goal.

Then there’s a 2007 study in the journalObesity which revealed that doing 60 minutes ofcardio, 6 days per week only resulted in anaverage 3.5 pounds of weight loss after an entireyear. Not much return on your time investment there is there? That equates to 312 hours of cardio. I’m sure you’d never hire a trainer if that were their promise.

Let’s compare this to another 2012 study published in Applied Physiology: it was found that subjects dong 4 minutes of high intensity exercise got better results than those doing 30 minutes of low intensity cardio.

 If weight loss is your goal and time constraints are an issue, clearly you need to be working out for LESS time.

 But what should you be doing in your short workouts?

 My friend and fellow fitness expert, Shawna K has a solution.

 You know how I love ‘old school’ training and Shawna is ‘old school’ all the way, in fact she may even be considered ‘old’ but you’d never know it, take a look:

Shawna just turned 50 and has brought back the burpee.

 Yup, the good ole fashioned burpee: the best no gimmick bodyweight exercise around that burns 12 calories a minute and uses pretty much every muscle in your body.

 She put together fast and nasty workouts with burpees and variations of burpees along with other exercises to get your fat burning workout done in 15 minutes or less.

 If you want sexy results in record time, up the intensity of your workouts for a short and sweet/nasty time with her new program called: Challenge Burpee.

 She’s got 21 workouts, more variety than you can imagine and she has coaching previews for every workout.

 Forget about cardio machines and long workouts that give you no results. Science is on your side when you do short, intense workouts and burpees are the perfect exercise (it sure works for Shawna and her clients, take a look here.)

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Subject: Don’t fall for this scam

 I get really upset when I go to any commercial gym and see rows and rows of hamster wheels with folks plodding along barely breaking a sweat, reading a magazine or watching television on a cardio machine.

Click here to find the MOST effective exercise that these folks aren’t doing.

These hamster-wheel-people aren’t getting results and it’s not because they are lazy, it’s because they are just misinformed.

They’re still under the mistaken impression that ‘cardio’ will solve their expanding waistline problem.

They’re still buying what many fitness centers are selling: do a few weights on machines and then do 30 minutes of cardio for fat burning. They wonder aimlessly, sitting on this machine and that one, pushing and pressing a little doing random movements. No wonder they get no results.

A fitness center is NOT going to try to ‘sell you’ on exercises that actually work. After all, the most effective exercises can be done ANY WHERE with bodyweight and there’s NO need for all the fancy shizzel in a gym.

It’s hard for a gym to monetize effective sweaty bodyweight moves, so they continue to sell things like cardio machines and clunky pieces of equipment that you sit on even though they don’t work.

If you want REAL results, you can’t be sitting down to get them.

If you want REAL results, you need to be hot, sweaty and gasping for air while your muscles vibrate. The good news is that you only need to work this hard for a SHORT time and your results will come quickly. You’ll feel energized and alive. You’ll challenge yourself and get stronger.

You can get REAL results at home, in less than 20 minutes, even in your PJ’s before you hit the shower to get on with your day.

Nothing complicated about that. No cardio machines or shiny chrome pin-selector machines required.

Everyone has 20 minutes right?

If you’re sick of the gym scene and no results, click here to find the NUMBER ONE exercise that you can do anywhere to get you fit and lose fat in record time.

Stop wasting your valuable time and start doing what will get you the body you deserve.

Click here to discover the BEST exercise and how to use it.

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NOTE: Challenge Fat Loss program is a series of manuals in PDF and online follow along videos. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download and view all the files onto your computer. The manual format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. All videos are .mp4, which is one of the most commonly used video storage formats.
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