
Hey affiliates

Here are the emails for Challenge Complexes.

Benefit Summary & Swipes Challenge Complexes 2014

Updated 12/02/2014

Affiliate Link:

Replace AFFILIATE with your clickbank id.

Thanks for your support!

Feel free to make a rebrandable report (it will have your affiliate links in it) or use the embed code to post to your blog with this sample workout.

Embed Code
<iframe src=”//player.vimeo.com/video/76768925?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0” width=”500″ height=”281″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

ch complex report graphic

Rebrandable Challenge Complex Report:

Enter your clickbank id in the blank box below to rebrand and download your report.

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Here are some images for you:

challenge complex graphic


ch complex video player bb






ch complex video graphic





ch complex report graphic





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Spike TV’s ‘Gym Rescue’ Fitness Expert




Here are some videos:

Here’s the link to the trailer: http://youtu.be/1uksmak9oWQ



Here’s the link to this sample workout: http://youtu.be/XlvlTc4syCo



Here’s the link to this sample workout: http://youtu.be/Uf8Qganhoj8



Here’s the link to this sample workout: http://youtu.be/DTo2fsXeaIc



Here’s the link to this sample workout: http://youtu.be/iutNASk6aIQ


More Images

You’re welcome to use these if  you want to add to a blog post, or post on Facebook with an affiliate link. If you do a Facebook posting, make sure to mask your link. I’ve been successful using Tinyurl.com to mask an affiliate link. I can’t guarantee that these images will be acceptable for promoted posts.







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cardio fail




For Techinal and Product Support Please Contact support@challengeworkouts.com

Note: Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a “typical” result is. The harsh truth is that most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, their typical results are zero. You are the main element of your success! They worked hard, and earned their results. As with any nutrition program, consult with your doctor before the initiation of any dietary change you're concerned about."

Note: Upon purchase, you will be given instant access! This is a virtual product, that can be conveniently downloaded or accessed anywhere with an internet connection. No hard product will be shipped.

ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.

The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own as the blog owner and fitness professional. I will only endorse products or services that I believe, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement regardless of any commissions I may be offered.
Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.