IMPORTANT: Please read…

How To Lose Fat Even Faster. You have a one-time opportunity to get your hands on the #1 secret to triple your fat loss and build the lean athletic body of your dreams!

No thank you. I’m not interested in getting exponentially better results by pairing this up with the 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge.

Lets face it, HOW you eat and WHAT you eat determines how you’ll look and perform.

Imagine Losing 11 – 14 Pounds of Fat Every 21 Days By knowing EXACTLY What to Eat, Step-by-Step, without ever counting calories, going on crash diets or figuring out complicated “macro” formulas.

Look, I know you’re willing to do the work, but if you’re REALLY serious about transforming your physique, you need a nutrition plan that’s actually PROVEN to work. In fact, a recent study confirmed that changes in fat loss levels are determined by diet, as in what you eat. So it’s something that you can’t overlook. But I know you’re on info-overload. There are over 46,560 diet books registered with the library of congress. And every week you’ll hear about the newest and greatest diet or weight loss pill that claims to be the ‘be all end all’ solution to your weight problems. Talk about confusing! Well, I’ve stumbled upon a simple concept that’s designed to help you melt more fat then you ever imagined possible, in a short 21-days, as long as you’re willing to put in the work. (Actually, it’s not as hard as you’d think) In just a moment, I’ll share with you how you can finally take control of your cravings, establish a healthy relationship with food, and lose up to 14 pounds of fat in the next 21 days in the process. Not only that, but I’ll show you how you can keep it off for life.

FYI: 96% of all dieters gain the weight back within 6 months – so being able to keep and maintain your fat loss is HUGE.

Just read this – according to the Boston Medical Center, approximately 45 million Americans diet each year and spend $33 billion on weight-loss products in their pursuit of a leaner body…only to gain it all back. So, you’re not alone if you’ve experienced stress, anxiety, and even depression because of your diet battles. The crazy formulas, complicated calculations and menus with NO wiggle room have left you depressed, frustrated, and confused.

It’s No Wonder You’re Nervous About Starting a ‘Fad Diet’… They Make You Worse Than You Were in the First Place

Stop questioning whether you have what it takes or if your genetics will allow you to finally drop those extra pounds. You CAN do this and even your ‘bad’ genes only play a VERY small role in your success. I’ll show you 5 steps that you can use TODAY to start feeling a difference by no later than tomorrow. And…

Give Yourself Just 21 Days and You’ll Discover How to Lose Up to 14 Pounds of Fat and Keep it off for good.

It’s all a part of a simple plan that starts as a “diet”, but crushes your cravings in just a few days. The diet then becomes a lifestyle (by YOU, not the ‘expert’). Here’s a secret…. If you’re looking for some magical diet “breakthrough”, there’s NOTHING new about weight loss. Weight loss has been around for decades and yet, the same information keeps getting recycled or some kind of crazy “spin” on it. Instead of spinning a new tale about fat loss, I’ll show you on how to quickly and permanently change your eating habits so that you’ll never have to rely on a new diet “gimmick” ever again.

Take a look at how this has worked for others…

Name: Alia – Age: 30 Lost 15.8 lbs


Why I wanted to try Challenge Diet: I wanted to learn how to eat better and eat with what works for my body. I wanted to be a healthier person. What diet plans I’ve tried before: I’ve tried Weight watchers and different diet plans that I didn’t last long on. I didn’t know how to eat healthier, I was always just watching calories without knowing whether or not they were good calories or not. How I felt on the diet: I felt really good, no bloating or cramping, no feeling sick after I ate and I had no extreme tiredness. The BEST part of the plan: The support of Shawna and the group was the best part of the plan. NO slip-ups were judged and you just started back up If you fell down. My results: Weight to begin: 180 lbs Weight on day 42: 164.2lbs Total weight lost: 15.8 lbs Total inches lost: 25

Name: Bonnie M – Age: 46 Lost 9 lbs


The BEST part of the plan: The plan has lots of meal options and it allowed me to mix and match what I was eating. I quickly discovered new favorites and it allowed me to try things I had not tried before. Best of all it taught me portion control and learning to listen to my body and stop eating before I got too full. I think the part I enjoyed the most was the support from the other Challenge Dieters. What an amazing group of people all at different points in their lives. Is this plan something that you can continue long term and why? The first three weeks of the plan allowed me to set up some really good eating habits. I think you need 21 days to truly establish these healthy habits. The road is not always easy but after the three weeks it becomes your new lifestyle. The maintenance plan is even easier with more choices. This is regular food you are eating – it just changes the way you think about food and how you put those food items together. My results: Weight to begin: 128 lbs Weight on day 42: 119 lbs Total weight lost: 9 lbs Why would you recommend this? The best thing about this program is anyone can do it and be successful if motivated. There is no “diet food” involved just eating healthy food and eating sensibly. You must be prepared that it will be a journey and each day is different from the last. You must be determined to keep on the path even if things get hard in the rest of your life. This plan equips you with the knowledge and skills and gives you the support (through the group) to succeed. The three –week initial phase is long enough to establish these healthy habits into your life so that they truly become who you are and how you eat. Lean on the group – they will keep you focused and motivated and help you succeed.

Name: Marci – Age: 44 – 11lbs Lost!

marci What diet plans I’ve tried before: I am not really a diet person. I have never chosen and stuck to a diet. The BEST part of the plan: • Quick results • Recipes provided • Learning how grains affect my body • Learning how great spaghetti squash is! Is this plan something that you can continue long term and why? Absolutely. It is simply a lifestyle choice. I have always tried to maintain a fairly healthy diet…and this provided lots of new things to adopt into my menu planning. My results: After 21 days = I lost a total of 11 pounds and 9 inches. I am motivated to get up at 5:00 am to exercise, and haven’t made an excuse for 6 weeks. I am more confident…and my clothes fit sooooo much better. Why would you recommend this? It provides quick results and great tools to make positive changes in your life. You have to really want to achieve results though. For those who want accountability – the social media support is great.

Name: Jessica – Age: 30 – 15lbs Lost!

jess How I felt on the diet: After making it through the initial three days of detox (sugar, aspartame, caffeine and carb withdrawal) I felt full and energized. Is this plan something that you can continue long term and why? Yes. Because it’s easy to follow and the cheat meal every week gives me something to look forward to. I don’t feel like I’m on a diet. My results: I’ve lost 15 pounds and 10 inches overall. My clothing fits better and I stand taller. I feel invigorated and that I’m gaining back the confidence I lost when I put on weight. Why would you recommend this? Because it’s easy to follow and helps boost energy and mood. If you’ve ever had a problem with sugar cravings (as I have) you’ll be surprised how easy it is to give up those bad habits once you start eating cleaner.

Challenge Diet is dead simple. It’s a simple but effective way to lose fast and keep it off without dieting or starving yourself.

5 Steps to Drop 3-5 Pounds in the Next 7 Days

Social Support

A study from Harvard showed that participants that used social support while losing weight were more successful than those who didn’t.

In fact, the average weight loss among participants who used support was 20 pounds compared to 9 pounds for those without support!

And with the exclusive Challenge Diet community, you’ll have access to other people just like you, as well as myself.


Everyone in our group will be keeping an eye on you, and you’ll have NO choice but to succeed as you will have to OWN UP to what you’re eating so we can all create food awareness and learn from each other.

A Simple Plan and Being Prepared

There is no guesswork. You’ll know exactly what to eat, step-by-step with the power of flexibility based on your preferences. Preparation is a key to success in any situation, but especially food.


You’ll see and feel a difference in only 7 days. Expect to lose up to 11 pounds in only 21 days and have the tools and habits that will springboard your future fat loss success.

When you lose fat fast (against what the media tells you), you will be inspired to continue. It’s called “success momentum”.


Another piece to the puzzle that’s missing from other programs is a set deadline. What’s your end date? Set one up.

Imagine sticking to your plan, step-by-step, for 21 days.

Anyone, including you, can stick to a plan for just 21 days. Knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel is what keeps people just like you going.

Here’s What You’ll Get:

PLUS, You’ll Get These Exclusive Bonuses When You Start TODAY

And you’ll also get this BONUS that’s not available
anywhere else…

Develop Core Strength While Tightening and Toning Your Abs

The Ab Challenge Program will tighten and tone your core while burning fat and maximizing your metabolism.

  • Get a balanced physique from the inside out! Core strength is important for back health, injury prevention and strength in all other movements
  • Sculpt, shape and tone your body while focusing on core conditioning
  • Get three more follow along videos that you can do in addition to your Fat Loss Challenge workouts, or do these as a mini workout on your day off

Look, I know you’ll truly up your fitness game with the 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge. But in addition to increasing your fitness performance, I want you to see a remarkable change in your physique.

That’s why I’m pairing these winning programs together.

When you pair up the 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge with the 21 Day Challenge Diet, your success will be exponential.

You’ll get everything you need inside the 21-Day Challenge Diet plus all the social support you need for a ONE-time investment of…

I want you to be a part of the 21-Day Challenge Diet COMMUNITY.

No gimmicks.

No fads.

Just results.

And remember, after the 21 days, you’ll have a bullet-proof plan to continue losing fat if you choose to do so and you’ll keep it off forever.

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