The anti-aging breakthroughs below will help you to rebuild your fat burning metabolism, firm up your legs and hips, flatten your belly and give you all day energy without suffering through long boring workouts or crash diets.
These are untouched photos of me. People guess my age at 37. I'm actually 52. Allow me to share these three anti-aging secrets with you....
Shawna Kaminski, Fitness and Anti-aging expert and mother of two.
Anti-Aging Tip #1

You can actually control many of the variables that contribute to your biological age. The research on aging says that inflammation is a huge problem that makes the body older. If your body is more inflamed, you’ll age faster. There are lots of details about free radicals, oxidation, hormones, etc., but the bottom line is that if you can address inflammation properly, you’ll age more gracefully. You’ll feel and look younger, you’ll have a lot more energy and you’ll burn off those extra pounds.

Anti-Aging Tip #2

Sadly the media wants you to believe that your metabolism TANKS around the age of 40.
- Did you notice that this happened to you?
- Did you put on a few pounds around the middle?
- Did you start feeling a little less energized?
Well, it’s not your fault if this happened at 40 or 45 or even at 50. You were led to believe that this is a natural aging process, so you just came to accept it. But, it doesn’t have to be this way!
What REALLY happened as you aged is that you started to lose precious muscle tone due to increased sedentary living. Muscle is what keeps your metabolism fired up.
- Lose muscle and you lose the ability to burn calories as effectively.
- Lose muscle and you lose your sexy shape and your ability to do easy tasks like carrying heavy grocery bags or gardening or playing with grandkids.
- Lose muscle and you start to LOSE YOUR YOUTH.
Muscle is NECESSARY for a healthy metabolism.
Muscle is more ‘dense’ than fat, it takes up less space, no matter what your weight. So, if you gain a pound of muscle and lose a pound of fat your body will take up less space. In other words, there is ‘less’ of you, so your clothes can get loose and baggy when you start to resistance train and tone up.
In addition to being able to lose inches off your body by adding a little muscle to your frame, you’ll also burn more calories (even at rest) with a fired up metabolism. Oh and best of all? Muscle is sexy – it brings all the youthful curves to your body.
According to new information out of the journal Current Sports Medicine Reports:
“Inactive adults experience a 3% to 8% loss of muscle mass per decade, accompanied by resting metabolic rate reduction and fat accumulation. Ten weeks of resistance training may increase lean weight by 1.4 kg, increase resting metabolic rate by 7% and reduce fat weight by 1.8 kg”

Many difficulties of aging are linked to an inactive lifestyle. And while your chronological age may be 55, your biological age can be 35 — IF you follow a consistent exercise program that includes resistance training. The effects of exercise are so potent; it influences every physiological system in the body for the better. This is yet another way to address anti-aging at a cellular level.

Anti-Aging Tip #3
Do you see this chair? Let me tell you how it's actually the ROOT of all your problems even though I know that your life is busy with precious little ‘me’ time, let alone sitting down time…

But ‘busy’ time doesn’t necessarily mean ‘actively busy’. You might have a packed schedule but your body needs more than just being busy. You body needs INTENSE movement to keep its youthful curves and sexy muscle tone.

I've been working with women JUST LIKE YOU for years. In fact, it's my passion to help women discover the secret to more energy and a youthful body.

The 20-minute Anti-Aging Solution will dramatically increase your:
- Female metabolism so that the calories you consume will be turned into energy and not stored as fat
- Energy so that you can continue to do all the things you enjoy.
- Mobility so that joint pain is a thing of the past.
- AND it will deliver fast, long term and enjoyable fat loss without restricting the foods you crave most.
This weight loss and lifestyle blueprint for women over 50 will work for YOU…
…Even if you have little to no time….
…Even if you have terrible genetics…
…Even if you have a super slow metabolism…
Or - Even if you've tried everything before.
This ‘Solution’ is like nothing you’ve ever experienced. It’s NOTHING like a crazy P90X or Cross Fit style plan that will leave you sore or injured…
- It’s NOT an over ambitious workout plan that will leave you frustrated and defeated
- It’s NOT a fad diet with fleeting and temporary results
- It’s NOT a plan that will diminish your energy and slow your metabolism
- It’s NOT designed so that you’ll experience temporary weight loss with piles of embarrassing rebound weight gain to follow
This solution has been proven with hundreds of women just like you. It’s a progressive and gentle approach with NO chance of injury.
You'll experience reduced food cravings so that sticking to my nutrition plan will be a breeze
You'll bust through any plateau so that your motivation will stay high
You'll have an astonishingly faster fat burning metabolism to feel all day energy
You'll have permanent fat loss from female problem areas like your belly
Your confidence will soar as your weight consistently drops
MORE confidence in yourself and…
You'll finally have the freedom to claim the life and body you absolutely deserve...
Learn for yourself how this solution can turn back the hands of time.
Everything is explained with clear strategies for both prevention and a “cure” for aging.
Hundreds of women have experienced success with the 20 Minute Anti-Aging Solution….
"I used the methods employed in the 20 Minute Anti-Aging Solution and I’ve noticed many benefits for my health and wellbeing. These include weight loss, increased fitness and energy levels, and increased tone and mobility. I would recommend her training system to anyone!"
Martine Dodd, 59
"When I was asked to test the 20 Minute Anti-Aging Solution I was really excited. I love these workouts and loved taking part in the videos. I have an elderly mother that I need to take care of so doing these workouts is my precious ‘me time’. I feel fitter and stronger than I have for years and look forward to my workouts. I can’t recommend this program enough, you’ll love it!"
Margaret Whiting, 65
"I found the workouts in the 20 Minute Anti-Aging Solution to be interesting, varied and challenging. There are so many modifications for each exercise it makes it easy to work around any injuries or joint pain. As an ‘older woman’ I realize the importance of keeping fit and with this program I know that I can maintain my fitness levels into the future for years to come. I also lost 10kg doing this program by following the nutrition guidelines, by removing the processed ‘junk’, improving the quality of my food and still enjoying a glass of red wine nightly. I highly recommend this program to anyone wanting to improve their fitness and maintain good health and have fun at the same time!"
Elizabeth Phillips, 68
"I was part of the 20 Minute Anti-Aging Solution beta testing group and found the workouts always challenging and enjoyable. I have found that my overall fitness, strength and joint mobility have improved greatly. The workouts were really motivational and I learned correct technique to prevent injury. I have to be very careful of my wrists and these exercises allowed me to do that but still have a challenging workout."
Lynda Smith, 65
"After years of sports and being very active in my earlier years, I developed lots of injuries in particular problems with my knees and shoulders. By following the Starters Program I’ve lost weight, and regained strength in my knees. My husband couldn’t believe it when he saw how easily I could climb up and down stairs after years of problems. My shoulder mobility is slowly coming back and I can follow along with the workouts and modify when I need to. I regularly travel for leisure, so this kind of exercise keeps me moving and helps reduce the joint pain from my arthritis. I recommend the 20 Minute Anti-Aging Solution for anyone with injuries or pain who is looking to improve their health and fitness."
Ros Bieg, 58
"I recently started doing the workouts from the 20 Minute Anti-Aging Solution. While I understood that these workouts were designed for women over 55, I found them really helpful because I don’t have to get up and down off the floor. I have low blood pressure and in times of stress I can feel quite dizzy so these workouts allowed me to work at a challenging pace without feeling the wooziness that many other workouts gave me. I feel stronger and fitter, I’ve lost weight around my waistline and my arms and back look toned and I’ve had to throw out half my wardrobe and get a smaller size which made me so happy."
Willow R, 40
Here's What You'll Get:

Here's What You Get With The Main Program
- 3 workouts complete with FOLLOW ALONG VIDEOS to support the complete beginner
- 9 workouts also with FOLLOW ALONG VIDEOS suitable for the more experienced exerciser
- You'll see EXACTLY what to do and HOW to do it - no excuses!
- Modifiable movements to accommodate your injuries to keep you safe
- Strengthen your body without strain on your joints or impact so you'll feel better immediately
- Every movement is 'doable' - NO getting up and down off the floor
- All workouts include FULL FOLLOW ALONG VIDEOS with REAL women
- Bonus nutrition hints and tips to help you drop unwanted pounds effortlessly
And because I wanted to leave no stone unturned,
I've also included these incredible extras.
These bonuses ALONE are worth OVER $170 and will help you feel younger by helping reduce daily aches and pains almost over night!

Pilates Core Finishers
- 5 mix ‘n match mini workouts to support core strength
- Full FOLLOW ALONG VIDEOS with instruction for technique and breathing
- Strengthen your core and back safely and effectively
- Avoid back pain and shoulder stiffness
Valued at $49

Falls Prevention Report
- Learn simple strategies to reduce the chance of falls
- Hints and tips for managing your health and environment
- Dramatically improve your balance and safety
- Discover specific exercises to prevent falls
Valued at $19

Osteoporosis Report
- Easily reverse this ‘silent’ disease
- Discover what foods to eat and what to avoid
- Learn lifestyle tips and what NOT to do!
Valued at $19

Exercise Library
- 25 pages of exercises you can do anywhere
- No expensive equipment or gym memberships needed
- Easy to follow exercise descriptions with clear photos
- Reduce the risk of injury by learning proper technique
Valued at $29
Plus these Fast Action Bonuses!

Essential Balance
- Improve your balance with quick and easy exercises
- Do these anywhere, anytime
- No equipment required
- Exercises are shown clearly and simply with easy to follow VIDEO DEMONSTRATIONS
Valued at $29

Essential Flexibility
- Learn simple flexibility moves to ease joint pain and stiffness
- These stretches can be done at any time and anywhere
- Say goodbye to waking up feeling stiff and sore
- Exercises are all shown in easy to follow VIDEO DEMONSTRATIONS
Valued at $29
It’s way beyond anything you could ever hope to have from any personal trainer.
Why is this program so inexpensive?
I want to make this affordable for you and every mature woman aiming to reverse the hands of time, increase vitality, lose weight and ‘get your sexy back’.
Your total investment to own the 20 Minute Anti-Aging Solution with all the premium video follow along workouts, nutrition information, special reports and more is SO MUCH LESS than what I'd normally charge for my personal training rate of $200+ a session.
- Now, remember, everything you’ve done up until now has not worked.
- You can choose to DO NOTHING and NOTHING WILL CHANGE…
- Continuing on this path will inevitably lead you to more frustration and greater despair as the weeks and years pass by and your world continues to close in on you.
You can take a step in the right direction and follow the hundreds of women that have used the 20 Minute Anti-Aging Solution to feel empowered and finally find success. You can take control of your future and claim the body and life you desire.
I don’t just promise that you’ll be successful with the 20 Minute Anti-Aging Solution…I absolutely GUARANTEE it.
My Promise To You |
If you’re not absolutely delighted with your results, then I promise I’ll give you every dime back and you can keep the program and all the bonuses you’ll see on the other side.
What's more, I'll keep this offer open for 60 days - so you can evaluate the materials at your own pace, knowing you're fully covered.

So don’t delay, this offer and pricing is only up for a limited time.
Do the smart thing. Make today one that you’ll always remember as a great day….a life-changing day. The fact is, small changes in lifestyle add up in BIG health returns.
Don’t be mistaken.
You don’t need to invest hours daily to reap these health benefits. All you need to do is invest a SMALL amount of time daily -just 20 minutes- over the long term and you can literally reverse the clock at a cellular level.
You owe it to yourself and now you have nothing to lose to give it a try.
Total package value at $233

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I'm just a beginner. Will this program be too hard for me?
A. Absolutely NOT. I want to hold your hand the entire way. You’ll be given training alternatives for every move so even if you’re starting out, you’ll be fully supported. You’ll experience loads of different training modalities to add to your workout repertoire. Many of the first workouts will be done from an upright position so you won’t even be tasked to get up and down off the floor.
Q. My friend tried this program and lost a lot of weight quickly, can I expect this?
A. Your friends experience is common, most women that try this program not only lose weight, they tone up and their clothes fit better. More importantly, they FEEL energized, empowered and in control of their destiny.
Q. How long until my program is shipped to me?
A. NOTHING is shipped and you don’t have to wait for anything. You’ll have INSTANT access to everything including the follow along videos that you can watch online or save to your computer.
Q. Do I need a lot of equipment to do these workouts?
A. NO! These workouts are designed for you to do in a small space, such as your living room. There are a ton of bodyweight exercises; some workouts require an inexpensive jump rope, a single set of dumb bells, a kettle bell or a bench of some sort. All exercises have alternative moves so that no matter what you have in terms of space and equipment, you’ll be all set.
Q. I can’t be bothered reading through a workout, I just want to follow along with videos. Can I do this with these workouts?
A. Yes you can! There are over 30 video workouts in this program all up, and I've designed it so it’s as easy as possible for you to follow, every step of the way.
Q. I’ve tried a bunch of programs in the past that over-promised and under-delivered, why should I spend even more money on your program?
A. Listen, this is a program like no other. I have 50 years of experience under my belt. I’ve experimented on my own body and I have hundreds of clients that have succeeded with my coaching. If you want to continue to do the same thing, then you can expect the same results. But if you’re ready to shake things up, and do things a little differently, you can expect BIG results in a short amount of time. It won’t be easy though. You’ll be required to work hard and sweat, but the good news is that your sweat sessions are done in 30 minutes or less. When you pair this up with SENSIBLE eating, your success is guaranteed. Plus you can test-drive the program and if you’re not completely satisfied, you can get a full refund. I stand behind my word on that.
Effects of Moderate Alcohol Consumption on Cognitive Function in Women
Meir J. Stampfer, M.D., Jae Hee Kang, Sc.D., Jennifer Chen, M.P.H., Rebecca Cherry, M.D., and Francine Grodstein, Sc.D.
N Engl J Med 2005; 352:245-253 January 20, 2005 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa041152
GreenMedInfo May 9, 2012
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2012 Jul 15;303(2):R127-34. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00337.2011. Epub 2012 May 9.
Resistance Training is Medicine: Effects of Strength Training on Health
Westcott, Wayne L.
Current Sports Medicine Reports. 11(4):209-216, July/August 2012.
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