How old are you?

It’s sort of a rude question, isn’t it? How do YOU feel when you get asked your age? how old?

Are you honest with your answer?

I’ve never really understood the benefit of lying about my age.

While I’m not thrilled to be over 50, it’s nice to see the surprised look on the face of the person that finds this fact out. (I get a little uncomfortable so I always comment that the person must have failing eyesight or something.)

Of course I secretly am pleased that I don’t look my age. (When I was 10 years old, age 51 was ‘old as dirt’, but the older I get, dirt seems to get older too.)

What’s the secret to looking young? Well, it’s not found in a cosmetics bottle, unless you could purchase good old-fashioned sweat.

In a nutshell, here’s a secret:
Immediately after the right style exercise your body produces elevated levels of testosterone (T), growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Serra, C. et al. (2011). The role of GH and IGF-1 in mediating anabolic effects of testosterone on androgen-responsive muscle. Endocrinology, 152, 1, 193-206.
These hormones are all necessary for repair and development of lean muscle and lean muscle is really the fountain of youth.
When you add lean muscle, you get sexy in all the right places, your metabolism skyrockets to burn more fat, your functional fitness improves and your mood is elevated.
Is it too much to say that your entire quality of life improves? It sure works for me….
Here’s a fun ‘anti-aging’ workout that’ll create the right hormonal environment so that you can actually turn back the hands of time:

Six Feet ABOVE Ground
AMRAP set: AMRAP means ‘as many rounds as possible’. squat jump a b

Count the total rounds completed in 12 minutes.

Equipment: Timer
– 6 squat jumps (full body extensions or squats)
– 6 decline push ups (regular or modified push up)
– 6 (per leg) spider crawl
– 6 (per leg) jumping lunges (reverse lunge)
– 6 pull ups (assisted pull up)

You will repeat this circuit in AMRAP style for 12 minutes.
Want more of this sort of workout?
How about month of fun home workouts that’ll kick your belly fat to the curb? You’ll need about 20 minutes with very little equipment and space.

antiagingworkouts-1And the price is right 😉

You’ll get these free when you grab my Challenge Complexes program.

Now, you’re going to be hearing about Challenge Complexes this week from my friends and me.

It just so happens that training with complexes is the new ‘cardio’.

Did you know that traditional cardio increases your cortisol production and can lead to muscle and strength loss?

Also a recent study at the University of Tampa showed that adding ‘Jogging’ to a weight training program decreased strength gains by 50%.

If you’re getting weaker you’re losing muscle. And if you’re losing muscle, your fat percentage is going up. Getting fatter is NOT part of my anti-aging plan!

Your workouts can actually be your anti-aging magic bullet, or literally the ‘kiss of death’ when it comes to looking and feeling younger.

Take it from me – probably one of the oldest women in the fitness industry that has year round visible abs, only trains 20-30 minutes a day and doesn’t survive on a lettuce leaf daily – you want to try these workouts.

Here’s the ultimate anti-aging workout and cardio replacement

Don’t lie about your age, just use your training to help you look younger 😉

Start with the workout above and continue with these workouts.