Gym Rescue – Behind the Scenes


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There’s been a lot of talk about the latest episode ‘Gym Rescue’ where I got to be the ‘fitness expert’ that helped a failing ‘sorority’ gym turn itself around and become a viable business.


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Many have asked if this reality show is actual ‘reality’.

Strange as it may sound (especially if you saw the episode), the scenes weren’t staged, there was no script, the things in the show really happened as they unfolded on the show.

gym rescue pic 3Watching the show, lots of the action was new and exciting to me because I may have been off the set doing an ‘on the fly’ interview or hanging out in the production area.

A reality show set is an interesting place to be. I have to hand it to anyone that works in the industry. They work LONG hours and there’s lots of ‘hurry up and wait’ times.

Randy Couture is an absolute soft spoken gentleman. Honestly it’s hard to believe that he’s an MMA champion because it would seem he couldn’t hurt a fly. He’d come into the production area every day, greet me by name and ask me how I was. He’s really a sweetheart.


Frank Shamrock, on the other hand, is full of energy and is definitely the life of the party. He’s a real character with personality plus.

Frank shamrock

randy couture

As for the actual gym owners, well they had personality plus too 😉

The owner, Toni, was a firecracker, the manager, Erinn did her best to be the voice of reason, Delisa was a great trainer who just wanted to train and Nikki, the receptionist was a sweet girl that was totally untrained for any of her tasks (like being thrown on the floor to train clients) but she did her best. Then there was ‘Pin Girl’ Marsha who’s job was to ‘pull the pin’ on machines for clients in this antiquated circuit and you’ll meet Kit who just walked out and quit on the spot (I never even met her).

There were A LOT of tears. At one point I had to just tell the women to stop crying so we could help them. Randy and Frank were really frustrated since they were really prepared for all the tears.

To begin, the gym was really an eyesore. We joked that it looked like Barney just barfed up all those pinks and purples. In the end, the place looked SPECTACULAR!

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The out dated ‘circuit training’ system that was being used (with the use of a pre-recorded voice to tell members when to stop and go) was replaced with a full on boot camp style workout system.

And it wasn’t just any boot camp. The gym was given all the systems of Fit Body Boot Camp (of course I’m a huge fan since I run my own FBBC).

In the end, after Coach Bedros Keuilian helped with marketing, I helped with training and Frank and Randy did their thing, the tears dried up, the smiles grew a mile wide and there were hugs all around – oops, did I spoil it for you?

Trust me, if you haven’t tuned in, it’s more than worth it to learn about Toni’s signature move called ‘I dunno’ and to see the tempers flair, the yelling, the crying and the drama.

It was a fun week that I got to spend on the set. I’d love the opportunity to do it all over,
even though I wouldn’t enjoy the TV celebrity lifestyle long term.

As a way to celebrate my TV debut, I thought I’d do a BIG sale for you, my loyal readers.
After all, it’s YOU that allows me to live my passion every day.

I LOVE to help people get fit, whether it’s in their living room at home, in a gym, or in my
beloved Fit Body Boot Camp. I consider myself blessed to be able to do what I do.
I want to share my love of fitness and healthy living with you.

Grab any or ALL my programs HERE.
Let me help you rescue your body and save a little cash too 😉