
Guest Post

By Derek Wahler

It’s the secret to getting amazing results in a short amount of time.

That’s what we all want, right?

In all my time training people online and in person, I’ve never heard someone say, “I actually don’t have a lot going on today….so can we add another half hour onto this workout?”

Now don’t get me wrong, I’d be flattered if someone demanded to spend some extra time with me 🙂

But I know it’s just not realistic.

With density workouts, you focus on doing as much work as you possibly can, in the specified time period.  For me, that’s 10 minutes.

Don’t worry about adding extra reps, sets and minutes to the end of your workout.

Instead, focus on getting MORE done in the same amount of time.

That’s what leads to breaking through your fat loss plateaus, building up that lean muscle, and most important of all, it helps you stick to a workout routine.

Here’s a strategy I see a lot of people doing – in order to get advanced results.

They simply add an extra minute onto each workout. cardio hate 3

If you’re using the treadmill, that means running for an extra minute each time.

If you’re doing a bodyweight circuit, that means adding an extra minute to the circuit in each session.

You get the idea, right?  Small little increases in exercise during each workout leads to BIG results over time.

It sounds like a good idea, but here’s how I look at it.

If you keep adding an extra minute to your workout every day, in two weeks your 10 minute workout turns into a 24 minute workout.

In another two weeks, it’s up to 38 minutes!

No thanks.

I know you don’t have time for that.

Instead, here’s a 10-minute total body workout you can do at home TODAY to get started on the journey to your best body ever!

10-Minute Total Body Workout

We’re doing this one Ladder Up style!  You’ll see the three exercises listed below.  Set your timer for 10 minutes and start by doing one repetition of each exercise, one right after the other.

The next round, you’ll take a step up the ladder and do two repetitions of each exercise.  Then 3 reps, 4, 5 and so on.  Add one rep each round and go as high up the ladder as you can in 10 minutes.

There is no scheduled rest, try and push through for the entire 10 minutes.  Once your form starts to dip, or you’re having trouble catching your breath, take a short break and jump back in when you’re ready.

On to the exercises!

  1. Burpee with a Close Grip Pushup
  2. Total Body Extension
  3. Prisoner Forward Lunge (each leg)


The only rule is you have to make every second count!

Here’s another special workout I created exclusively for all of you readers at Challenge Workouts. It isn’t included anywhere else, it’s strictly for you.

The 10-Minute Total Body BombShell Workout

We’re doing this one pyramid style! You’ll do 5 reps of each exercise, one right after the other. Once you complete the first round, you’ll then do 10 reps of each exercise, followed by 15 reps, then back down to 10 and finally back down to 5 (5, 10, 15, 10, 5).

You’ll go up and down the pyramid as many times as possible in 10 minutes. There is no scheduled rest, simply rest whenever you need to, especially when your form starts to dip.

  1. Prisoner Squat Jump
  2. Reverse Lunge w/ Knee Up
  3. Double Pushup Burpees
  4. Total Body Extensions

The key to the 10-minute workout is to make every second count. We’re not adding in extra sets or reps in at the end. Once the 10 minutes are up, you’re done.

Push yourself and write down how far up the ladder you get in 10 minutes.  Next time you do this workout, shoot for getting one more repetition than you did the previous time.

Who knows, you might even shatter what you previously did, since you have a goal in mind that you’re actively pushing toward.

That’s the power of Density, getting more done in the same amount of time, which leads to awesome results!


derek w 10 min product grpNext=> I Have 120 Additional 10-Minute Bodyweight Workouts for You to Check Out Here

derek wahlerDerek Wahler is a Certified Turbulence Trainer, as well as a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine.  As a recently married man, with his first child due in a few months, he knows how quickly fitness and nutrition can be pushed to the side.

With his constant determination to make workouts shorter AND more effective, he focuses on getting advanced results in a minimal amount of time.  Derek currently lives in Madison, WI, where he runs his own fitness boot camp.  He also trains clients across the country online with his easy to follow home workout programs.  He’s also been known to spoil his yellow lab Turk (yes, he’s named after the Scrubs character!)