Life is Better When You’re Strong

Are you recovering from an exciting weekend?

I hope so, but I hope the excitement was all about doing cool things (versus ‘drinking cool’ things).

Shawna balance

For me,  I tried ‘slack lining’  for the first time this weekend ====>


Good fun, but I definitely need to have more practice before I run away and join the circus =)

My point in sharing this picture is not to notify ‘circus head hunters’ on my reader list, but to remind you that by training regularly, you can be more confident in your abilities to do fun things like this.

It’s ‘unlikely’ that Cirque du Soleil will come knocking at my door, but, man we had fun fooling around on this slack line. I was happy to be playing instead of watching (like some others were doing).

Part of being functionally fit is simply being STRONG.

I know this sounds easy enough, but it takes work, daily dedication in fact, to keep your strength up (especially as we age).

A side benefit of strength is it makes it easy to build muscle and lose fat too…So you’re not only just ‘strong’, but you look awesome as well =)

So what’s one of the best ways to get stronger?

I’ve recently met a fella who’s shared the DUP Method with me.

His name is Jason Maxwell and he’s a trained rocket scientist turned fitness professional (no joke). He’s a science geek to say the least…

He studied training methods of Eastern Europeans in the 1950’s-80’s because they were, by far, the best weightlifters in the world. They used the same lifts 3-6 times a week and got SUPER strong quickly.

The DUP Method he developed is a systemized approach to this high frequency training. Jason took what worked and threw out what didn’t.

Check out==> the DUP Method here.

This is really only for those of you that are seasoned gym rats, like me. Part of the protocol is that you’d train a lift 3 times a week, once for strength, once for power and once for functional hypertrophy.

For example, take the bench press (one of may favorite lifts), here’s a sample schedule:

  • Day 1 (Strength) – 4 sets of 4
  • Day 2 (Power) – 5 sets of 3
  • Day 3 (Functional Hypertrophy) – 4 sets of 8

The reason this works is because you’re training three different strength qualities which simple lead to more strength and more muscle. This works even better than linear training (such as the 5×5 protocol I’ve shared with you).







So if you’re interested in becoming stronger, have lots of training background and have access to traditional gym equipment, you’ll want to check this DUP Method out.

You’ll get $70 off and a bonus the ‘Bigger Bench Press’ Check List free today (Monday, June 8th).

The check list includes things like how gear and execution will immediately bump up your bench – cool and easy tips to max your bench. Sign me up! – I know I’m not the typical girl when this is something that I get excited about!

Read about the DUP Method here.

And if the DUP Method isn’t up your alley, maybe some circus training like slack lining is 😉

Sore Knees? Exercise Alternatives

sore knee funnyDo you have sore knees? Some people MAY experience some INITIAL knee pain if you are new to exercise or if you have a history of sore knees. Guess what? Whether you exercise or not, at some point in your life you may experience sore knees. Quitting exercise should NOT be an option. You just have to learn to train around a little knee pain.

You also should understand what GOOD pain is and what BAD pain is. Generally, if you experience pain in your muscles, usually evenly on both sides of your body – this is acceptable pain and you can keep going. However, if you feel pain at any joint (knee, shoulder, wrist etc), and only on one side of your body – this is the time to STOP and assess what you’re doing.

Since you’re a rock star athlete that probably trains at home, you may feel like you’re stuck as to how to assess your form. Here’s a suggestion: get someone to take a 30 second video of you doing one of the below exercises and post it here:

I can assess your form and provide some pointers for you. This will benefit YOU and all our Challenge Workout Facebook readers.

Here are a few tips for you to help you with those sore knees:

Ensure you’re doing the correct lunge form or AVOID all together at first or until your knees are feeling better. Practice your lunge form at home in the mirror using this video:

You should also practice the squat in the mirror the same as the lunge:

*modify the depth of squat until the knees are 100% then gradually work into depth as long as it’s pain free

Here are the exercises you can swap out for lunges/squats if your knees are sore:

WALL SIT – strengthens the quads, easy on the knees:

GLUTE BRIDGE – Strengthens the hams strings/glutes, easy on the knees 🙂 :

RDL (Romanian deadlift) – Strengthens the hamstrings:

The KB swing is a great option for hitting your legs (butt/hamstrings) without aggravating the knees. You’ll raise your heart rate while you’re at it:

Finally, if your knees continue to bother you, I highly recommend my using my friend, Rick Kaselj’s Fix My Knee Pain solution. You can learn more about Rick and his at home techniques here. I’ve used his tips and have saved myself time, pain and money with simple exercises and stretches that have helped keep my knees healthy and pain free.

You can get more information about Rick’s program by visiting here.

fix my knee pain prdt grp

Nutrition hack + Workout hack = Look better naked ☺

Have you got your bathing suit out this season yet? (Or is this something you’re sort of avoiding?) bikini season

Summer is just around the corner (even here in Canada), so now’s the time to do something so you feel more confident in whatever you choose to wear.

If you’re looking for a quick solution, I have two tips…the first is a nutrition hack and the second is a workout hack.

Simple nutrition hack: The FASTEST way to drop a few pounds is to immediately go on a sugar fast. Cut out all foods that have added sugar (consider what you’re drinking too!). You’ll be surprised how this cleans up your diet right away and pounds literally will fall off.

I won’t say this will be easy, but you actually won’t go hungry just cutting out sugar and you’ll feel more energized than ever before.

Second, a simple workout hack: If you can stick with intense 20 minute workouts 3-4 times a week, you’ll burn calories long after your workout is over.

Yup, just 20 minutes of sweat…Cutting back on training time to boost your metabolism all day long ==> seems like the best workout hack ever =)

Did you know that a study from the University of Pittsburgh showed that those who work out with a partner lose a third more weight than those that go it alone?

In fact, if you’re one of the 95% of the people who start a program but never finish it because you’re lacking accountability, I can help with that

I’ve put together a combination of metabolically challenging workouts – never packaged up like this before.

You’ll get a taste of bodyweight, burpee and DB complex workouts, all with follow along or coaching videos for you.

And yup, they follow the workout hack tip since they’re short ‘n sweaty!

Here are two workout samples:

What To Do With a Box? – Burpee Workout

Equipment: box burpee trust

Set a timer for 40 seconds of work with a 10 second transition:

  • Box jump burpee
  • Decline push ups
  • Burpee
  • Reverse bench step
  • Tricep skull crusher
  • Hamstring reverse hip lift

Repeat the circuit 2-3 times

Equipment: dumb bells, timer

Choose a weight that you can use for ALL exercises. Try not to put the DB’s down throughout the set.

Timing 40/10:

  • front squat alternating shoulder press
  • push up renegade row
  • weighted burpee
  • wall sit alternating bicep curl
  • alternate 1 legged RDL
Repeat for 5 rounds

Now, if you want 16 more of these(18 workouts all together) => Click hereSo, if you’re afraid of your bikini or board shorts (don’t tell me you’re wearing a Speedo fellas 😉 – fear no more!

Cut out sugar and do follow along workouts with me and you’ll be all set for the beach!


Oh, and just because you’re a cool reader of mine, use the coupon code:

LookBetterNaked today to save 50% =>


PS. You’ll pay only 83 cents a workout here…you can’t even buy a coffee at a low end convenience store for that!

I AM ENOUGH (And so are you!)

stopStop it.

If you’re making baby steps towards your goal, you’ll be miles ahead in no time. But you’ll never feel like you’ve gotten anywhere by comparing yourself to others.

Don’t compare your chapter 1 with chapter 20 of someone else’s book. (Thank you to my friend Betty Rocker for this!)

Measure yourself against who YOU were yesterday, not who someone else IS today.

You’ve got your OWN story, your own struggles, and you’re going to have your own triumphs, too.

Let others stories inspire you and not weigh you down.

Keep in mind that you’re being watched. It’s quite likely that your actions and the pursuit of YOUR dreams is inspiring someone else and you might not even realize it.

Too often people (especially those new to fitness) get discouraged by making comparisons to what they see others doing or how they look. It’s a good reminder to work at our own pace, make our own progress and celebrate our own victories.

I get upset when I see people (especially women) compare themselves to others.

To that end, I posted an unedited 6 am pre-workout selfie on Facebook and Instagram and the same pic using a filter:

me and the filter

You can also see the horrible picture and all the support I got on my Facebook wall here (you’ll have to scroll down to April 12th, 2015 – Feel free to like or comment).

Basically, I wanted to get the message out that it everyone seems to compare themselves to what they see as ‘real’ (which is often the ‘unreal’) and when they do, they always comes up short.

My unedited pic was atrocious, but it was real. It made me feel a little horrible about myself, but it likely gave hope to others who also wake up looking like a train wreck.

It was worth it to me to demonstrate that what we see online isn’t necessarily reality and that peeps should stop comparing themselves to others.

This was a demonstration of the physical, but it applies to all aspects of life.

Comparing yourself to others is a recipe for low self esteem.

It’s liberating and better for me to look at how far I’ve come versus where I need to go or where others are. I feel better about myself knowing that I’m creating my OWN story at my own pace and as long as I’m making progress this is good enough.

I AM GOOD ENOUGH. And so are you.

Okay, off my soap box now and it’s time to take some of those baby steps forward where fitness is concerned.

Here are a few awesome things that you may have missed this week:

If you want abs like a fighter => Go here.

If you want an amazing cookbook => Go here.

If you want a nice bum => Go here.

If you want a killer burpee workout => Go here.

And here was my early morning back focused workout for you:

Back It Up!

Count Down 10 to 1 for these exercises:

  • Burpee pull up (burpee or full body extenstion and then pull up alternative like a wall stick up, band pull, DB row etc)
  • DB renegade row (bodyweight option: plank alternate leg lift)
  • DB goblet squat (bodyweight option: prisoner squat)
  • Push Up
  • DB bicep curls wall sit (bodyweight option: wall sit stick up)

Try to finish in under 25 minutes.

That’s it for me today – Go look in the mirror and remind yourself that you’re an amazing person. I’ll do the same – and let’s just forget all about that 6 am pre-workout photo of me shall we?

Take This Happiness Test

mirror happy sad faceTake off your clothes.

Stand in front of a full-length mirror and look at your body – your chest and arms, midsection, thighs, and lower back where the love handles and muffin top start building up…
Are satisfied with the results that you’ve gotten so far with your current fitness routine?

Wouldn’t you like a leaner, more muscular and have an athletic body?

Let me tell you why you may have failed with your fat loss efforts in the past, and why it’s NOT your fault. There’s a boatload of MISINFORMATION floating around regarding the BEST method of fat loss and most of the information out there is pure garbage.

It’s Time To Break The Myths…

Fat Loss Myth #1: You gotta train in the ‘fat burning’ zone. Truth is, there isn’t one. Like we talked about a moment ago cardio on a treadmill, bike, or elliptical machine is a total waste of time. Study after study has proven that steady state cardio at your “target heart rate zone” is a total waste of time.

Fat Loss Myth #2: Training LONGER means MORE calories are burned. Studies once tried to ‘prove’ that you use more energy from fat when in the ‘fat burning’ zone. Theoretically, it takes up to 15 minutes of steady state cardio to get into the ‘zone’. In this first 15 minutes you burn mostly carbohydrates for energy.

Then you need to stay in the ‘fat burning’ zone doing mind numbingly boring steady state cardio for an additional 25-30 minutes to begin to burn fat as an energy source and get maximum benefit.

Do you really have that kind of time spare?

Fat Loss Myth #3: You can burn calories strictly from fat stores. More recent studies have shown that although you burn LESS calories DIRECTLY from fat when you train at an increased intensity, you BURN MORE CALORIES OVERALL in a SHORTER amount of time. So, you’ll use a COMBINATION of carbohydrate and fat as energy sources, but your overall caloric out put will be greater when you do HIIT, or high intensity intervals.

Fat Loss Myth #4: You MUST ‘do cardio’ after your strength training. By now you know that’s the biggest myth of all. Sure traditional steady state ‘cardio’ burns calories, but it’s the most inefficient way to burn calories; once you stop your cardio session, the calorie burning stops too. The best and most lasting way to get lean is to build muscle tone – metabolically active tissue that burns calories around the clock and to blast your body into Afterburn, which will boost your metabolism and turn up your fat burning furnace for up to 36 hours.

Fat Loss Myth #5: Aerobic training is the ONLY way to get lean. In fact, some studies show that aerobic training has been shown to be counter-productive to your ability to get lean. Appetite is increased with aerobic training, but you won’t get the benefit of ‘Afterburn’ if you’re in the so-called ‘fat burning zone’. Often you’ll eat more, but not burn more calories, there by negating the benefit of your aerobic workout.

Fat Loss Myth #6: The Treadmill and other ‘cardio’ machines are the best for fat loss. Wrong. Even if you’re doing intervals on these cardio machines, they’re boring and it’s difficult to maintain any intensity or enthusiasm on them for any length of time. Usually you’ll drop down into steady state cardio on cardio machines. In addition, you’ll open yourself up to overuse.

Fat Loss Myth #7: Anaerobic training can’t be used for fat loss. The latest research is showing that fat loss is related to hormones. As we age we produce less growth hormone in our bodies. One of the best ways to fight aging and reduce belly fat is to increase GH (growth hormone).

• Increased GH production can lead to…

• Increases in muscle tone

• Increased lipolysis (fat-burning)

• Increased protein synthesis (i.e. absorption and utilization)

• Efficient gluconeogenesis in the liver, which increases insulin sensitivity and enhances your body’s ability to use glucose (sugar) as fuel

• Stronger bones by increasing calcium retention

• Strengthens the immune system

How do we get more of this naturally occurring growth hormone? We can increase GH through anaerobic training.

You know that burning feeling you get in your muscles when you train with intensity? That’s your body switching into the anaerobic energy system and creating a by-product called ‘lactic acid’. What’s great about lactate, or lactic acid is that it’s a precursor to GH.




Believe it or not, this can be done in as little as 5 minutes. In other words, anaerobic training is by far the most time efficient method of training for fat loss in comparison to long slow steady state cardio.

Now, how does this relate to you?

Think back to your last workout. It was good, right?

Weight training, some cardio, or maybe even some interval training… fast pace, lots of sweat, you felt good. But was it your best workout?

Be honest… because if you aren’t, trust me, your abs and belly fat won’t lie. The truth is in the mirror. Every morning you see the truth looking back at you.

burn fatYou workout hard… you give it your all, but what separates you from that person who’s got better muscle definition, chiseled abs, and is sporting a beach ready body twelve months out of the year?

What separates THEM from YOU is a whole other level of ‘Afterburn’.

It’s something you can’t get on your own.

You need to take it to M²A level.

You need a coach to up the intensity and help you take it to the next level.

That’s what’s missing…

Be honest with yourself for a moment… If I asked you to lift up your shirt just enough to show me your abs – would you have the confidence to do it?

Most people wouldn’t because of that last ten to twenty pounds of fat that’s stuck to their waist.

Maybe that’s you.

Challenge Fat Loss

Want to know the secret to an amazing physique?

It’s certainly not about spending hour on end in the gym… or subjecting yourself to ridiculous diet programs that starve and deprive you and still leave you feeling fat and with no sign of true muscle definition or fat loss.

See, everything you think you know about fat loss is wrong or otherwise old and outdated information.

…so they’re feeding you a bunch of lies, keeping you fat, and getting you to buy more of their stuff.

But in this report you’ll finally get the truth about fat loss, backed by science, and proven in the trenches by people “in the know” and on the cutting edge of fitness – not by people who want to sell you the newest fad diets, weight loss pills, or home workout gadgets.

Hi, my name is Shawna Kaminski, and I’m a two-time winner of the “Toughest Calgarian Alive” competition, bodybuilding champion, author and researcher, and I’m considered one of the top authorities on fat loss.

I also happen to be a 52-year-old mother of two and I’m as lean today, with defined abs and all, as I’ve ever been. (This is a untouched photo of me here.)

I’m not an anomaly… I’ve simply discovered a better and much faster way to burn fat while maintaining a muscular and athletic body.

A little bit about me: I’ve spent the last 25 years studying and researching the science of fat loss… NOT WEIGHT LOSS, but actual physique enhancing, muscle defining fat loss… the kind that turns heads and gets people’s attention when they see you coming.

Believe it or not it’s simple to burn fat, even the most stubborn fat can fall right off IF you’re ready to put in 20 minutes at a time, for the next few six weeks and follow my challenge fat loss program that I’ve created for you.

You can read more about it HERE.